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Decided to try and finish this request I started. I restarted this one three or four times and it has been haunting me and I think if I don't finish it now it will haunt me into the next month. I'm weirdly blocked right now, artwise. I don't know what happened but the last two days have been such a struggle, everything takes longer, I can't decide on brushes I like, I want to try new stuff but I hate it all. Not to be a downer and I know this comes in phases, but this month has been kinda hard bcs of the extra work and comms and finishing that contract thing. And bcs of that I have been stressing myself for march as well, bcs I am more behind that I'd like on things I wanted to draw. It's an evil cycle u_u But I think I will take the weekend and do some traditional work maybe. Do some sketching or something. That might help. And I need to ignore the thought that if something does not turn out it's a bad thing. Because I can always redraw an idea. I can put him in as many playboybunny suits as I want XD just as an example.

The postcards arrived today so I can't wait to pack stuff up in March. There will be a bigger overview post for tiers and merch etc, probably on the 2nd or 3rd. 

As always, thank you so much for the support this month, I really appreciate it. Times have been tough but having your support means a lot.
Hope we can do some fun stuff next month!

Take care and stay safe




I love it! He's gorgeous!!!


Oh, look at him. He's fabulous. Burnout is a real thing. Be gentle on yourself, Possum.