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I will keep this one quick since the drilling is getting even worse somehow. 

I don't usually pick requests myself, but after the Astarion one did not work out bcs my brain wanted to color so bad but did not know how, I decided to pick one I could do black and white. And I already had a pose in my ref files for this one from saving some figure drawing references. So yeah, it's how we got here XD I like how it turned out, and it's not fixed if it is modern AU or just in canon, you know. I did give him the scars but he looks kinda naked without them. 

Okay, I am outta here, grabbing my coat and running. I hope they don't do that tomorrow as well I am so tired of it Q_Q

Also fingers crossed for tonight, maybe I can finish that Astarion I posted earlier. 

Take care and stay safe




Thighs, balls, toes!!!!!!!!


Love it. And also, wondering how his c..k can stay hidden by that rather thin blade...