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I really wanted to draw my boys without having to draw my boys XD I miss them which is weird bcs I'm trying to do some illustrations for them. But I miss drawing smut with them. I also saw somebody else do this kind of thing for warm-ups, just panel shots to practice some composition, have mabye some storytelling or rendering practice, without having to do a full illustration. I kind of like it? It was fun to just do some messy rendering etc. I'm struggling with keeping to my own workflow right now bcs of art block so I'm trying to change it up. Like painting on my iPad, doing some traditional sketching etc. 

I hope you're doing well. The weekend is nearly there, I hope you'll get to do something fun. The weather here has turned kind of cold so I think I'll mostly be inside, do some gaming and drawing. You can tell me what you're up to if you are comfortable with that.

Take care and stay safe




this is such a weird detail, but the way Willow is arching his back is for some reason very sexy to me! 😍


I love this very much 😍