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I wanted to post this one a bit earlier today but my ipad was being a bit bitchy. Everything has resolved itself but it took me a bit.
This one was not planned to get colored bcs I am not really sure about my coloring in Procreate yet. Something is slightly off and the tablet does show colors differently than my desktop screen, so I have to switch around a bit and change color balances up from time to time. I'm honestly not sure yet if I liek how the colors turned out.
But hey, I tried and I am back to drawing smut? So that is something! Also, bottom!Geralt. XD

I'll try to finish the request stuff and comic stuff for this month next, so we might be back to warm ups until then. And I know the request threads should be open but I am not sure about how I want to make them yet bcs my exhaustion and sickness make it hard to catch up with con work and kinktober prep. So yeah, I might make it a joint thread for both months or I'll just do the post and pushing the creation of the drawing back to when I am comfortable. 

I hope you're doing well, take care and stay safe




ugh I'm in love with this <3


This is beautiful. Don't forget to take care of the Possum. When you've been through a decent illness, it can take more time than you think to recover. <3


Thank you! Yes, I am trying to take it slow although my brain is already ready again to take it FAST XD It's a struggle.