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Some soft and steamy kisses I doodled while I was able to sit yesterday bcs these two are always making me feel better. Threw some color on it today just to see if I still can. I did some doodles of my OCs as well so maybe I have something about those soon as well!

I tried sitting upright at my desk today but it was not possible for more than five minutes without actually getting dizzy and exhausted. I hope this will remedy itself quickly because my bed was not made for stays as long as this. And I am frankly getting bored out of my mind. Also, my ipad pencil nib is nearing its end and damn, I did not know those things were so expensive. I miss my 5$ 5-pack of felt nibs I get for the wacom now XD

I hope you're doing well. Thanks so much for the well wishes on the last post, it warmed my heart when I was able to read it. I really appreciate how understanding and kind you were <3

Take care of yourself and stay safe




I'm happy the soft kisses brought you some small joy. I hope you feel better soon, definitely rest up <3 And thank you for sharing this


Soft, make-you-feel-good ships are the best ships and these two idiots have such a potential for Softness™. I'm getting more and more curious about the ocs. 👀 Hope you're feeling better soon.