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The winner of the last poll for some traditional smut was ropes, and in a consecutive poll people voted for Geralt as the one to get tied up. Since it is supposedly cooling off a little I sat down to do the sketch for this piece today, so I might paint it this weekend. I am struggling with doing traditional work in the heat because my sweaty hand and the paper do not work together that well. Disgusting detail, I know XD
This is a first sketch, I'll put it down for now and rework the details when I open it up next. I always get a little blind and don't see mistakes after staring at something for too long, so taking a break always helps.
I'm kind of excited for this one, even though I already dread getting the light right with watercolors. I am not super used to drawing candlelight traditionally.




Oh, this is the kind of smut I like to see.

Rhys Moon

😍😍😍😍 beautiful