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I'm trying to get better at interesting light so I sat down to do a little study after saving some reference pics. This might not be the last one, depending on how motivated I'll be in the future. Just repainting scenarios helps when it comes to doing actual ideas out of my head. That's how figure drawing works for me as well. You redraw poses and one day, when you'll need a certain pose your head will (hopefully) remember how it should look.
Still a long way to go, I am no painter. I might try to do the same light situation in my usual coloring style with outlines and flat rendering. Might be interesting to see the two in comparison.

Aaaaaand I forgot the medallion again... This piece of jewelry is the bane of my existence.




It's like the light from a cracked door. I love the difference it makes in his eyes.


Oh this is gorgeous!! I love the shape of his mouth, and how you’ve positioned the light over his eye. Love it!!


Thank you! The reference I used had the strip of light more like from opened blinds, but I liked it better this way. It actually does look like he just opened a door! I love that idea.