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Some more anatomy!
I was bad at posting last week, my mind was preoccupied. But here is the week three anatomy studies, theme was hands, faces and nude and clothed figure drawings. I know the guy in the clothed ones is wearing pants but I honestly liked the poses of the picture set.
The dress I found on Pinterest and I had to dress one of my OC's in it. Some of the dresses out there are gorgeous and so much fun to draw!
I think the thing I enjoyed most this time around was the hand studies. Found some interesting pictures that lend itself so well to drawing them. I'm really partial to drawing sinews, knuckles and joints on hands. It makes drawing them easier since you know where what locks together, how everything works and how it changes when you stretch the fingers, make a fist etc.
I did not have a lot of time for the faces so they are super sketchy but I found some interesting ones online. It is so weird, Pinterest lends itself well for some kinds of reference but looking for specific things can be hell. If you're looking for certain things, all you get are workout routines and weird diets...

Hope you got through Easter alright. I had lots of food and the wish to go out. I think I want to draw some woods today but I feel like doing that might only enhance the longing for going outside.

<3 Sarah




That Unicorn is so pretty 😍 I Miss woods too 🌲🍃