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I'm really bad with titles so... I'm sorry?
Just Geralt being cute and Jaskier being ethereal. I really like the colors here.
There will be a nude version up in a minute for higher tiered patrons, because drawing body hair is all I wanted to do for the last hours ;)
And I'm kind of proud I finished a thing. I feel confident to work on that piece with the flower crown now. I'll sit down and work on it this weekend!
Currently I'm  struggling with how I want the lines in comic panel backgrounds to look, so I am procrastinating that a bit, with art but still, it is a bit like hiding from responsibilities.

I hope your week has been fine and you'll have a great weekend. Any cool plans? I'm going to go fish stuff in Animal Crossing and eat chocolate easter eggs (in real life).





I feel you 🙈 I am reading one book After another just so I can escape the reality for a while 😂 but the weather is so gorgeous outside. I am glad when I can go back into the forest 😊🌲