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Nov 12

I added a distortion shader to be applied to a screenshot of the game whenever the player dies and teleports to the latest checkpoint. It was really easy to program: first, capture the current viewport image and apply it as the texture of an interface panel. Then, simply distort the UV textures with a couple of gradually increasing sines, and that's it. Whenever the game needs the effect, a signal is captured by the HUD and the algorithm plays.

Distortion effect

Nov 13

I gave Ternera a kick attack which I'll add to her state machine as soon as I figure out how and when she can use it, and I fixed a bug with the climbing state which let her hang from non-horizontal ledges. I spent a long while trying to decide how to most efficiently build the city wall collider, since Godot cylinders worked for the towers, but they were no good for the wall itself, especially if the gate had to be usable.

So I took the most insane route and used a single rectangular prism and one cylinder and made them rotate to wherever the player runs, so they can block their way through the wall. It's complete bullshit, but it works and I believe it should be efficient enough, or at least certainly more efficient than a trimesh collider.

City wall ridiculous collider

Nov 15

I warned you about stairs, bro.

I told you, dog.

Nov 18

As a first step towards implementing teleportation gates, I had to be able to take control away from the player and move the character through code. This was an issue because the motion control was completely coupled with the camera manager and the state machine, which was a bad idea that seemed to make sense at the time. But that's okay, because I managed to successfully decouple all parts (to the best of my ability) and now the game code can control the player just fine.

Nov 19

The teleportation gates work wonderfully. The wall where the gate is has a simple collider and a trigger area marks the entrance. When the player enters the trigger area, the collider is disabled and, when the gate threshold is crossed, the code takes control of the character, who walks into the wall, teleports, walks out of the exit gate, and control is returned to the player. I have to polish the visuals a little, but the mechanic itself is operational.

Teleportation gates


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