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We welcome Dr. Orisamni Burton to the show to talk through the history of American prisons as technologies of counterinsurgency, George Jackson, MKUltra, and his forthcoming book Tip of the Spear: Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt.

Targeting Revolutionaries: The Birth of the Carceral Warfare Project, 1970 – 1978 

New Docs Link CIA to Medical Torture of Indigenous Children and Black Prisoners 




We had a veterinarian named Dr. Gay. He taught me about the “bunny burrito”. That’s all I’m saying.


Am I the only one who hears the telephone off the hook noise @yungchomsky


( I’m done, I only mean to stress that you are as talented as what most likely world seem to be arrogance in the moment is telling you. Your ear is top tier and no matter what, you have fans that are gonna love what you do.) Sir Chomsky, I will post this comment on each video and Patreon post in my abilities until you stop audibly blue-balling this planet and Bless us with at least an LP! Brace, I’m sure you’ve said the same as you know this man is meant for (more) great things


Book is out today!


Can't wait to read my copy that just arrived! Love the recommendations y'all make.