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We’re joined by Professor Raymond Craib, author of Adventure Capitalism, to talk about libertarian exit, high adventure in the West Pacific, soldier of fortune Mitch WerBell III, and anarcho-capitalist Caribbean coups. 




would love to hear the Hinckle + dad + rental car story !


I Feel Like Black Luigi


Hinckle rented a car that he couldn't afford to pay for. So he invited a bunch of people to one of the south of Market piers and ceremoniously pushed it into the Bay. Then he reported it stolen. As far as I know he got away with it. Statute of limitations has expired and unfortunately so has Warren.


I think the piece about escape and recreation of the most ballardian aspects of our society is spot on. I think it’s because, for them, they aren’t able to create a competing ideology with the current state of things (they’re rebellious in a childlike way), instead they embrace the state but only in the ways they feel supported by. so they dial up the aspects of society that have “worked” for them, and have idealized them because they’re the only aspects of society that they don’t feel rejected by. I think the rejection before being rejected and freudian aspects of their libertarian fantasies are under spoken about outside of trueanon