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We interview former Epoch Times writer Steve Klett about his time working for the Falun Gong-owned newspaper in 2016. We discuss his experience with a Dutchman, potential labor trafficking, and what it means to be a human bot.

Follow Steve's new Mark Fisher podcast on Patreon, YouTube, or Anchor.




20:47 Racial gong.


YC is going to have to add a "no pedo" to his pseudonym now

Michael S. Judge

I had a conversation with Garry Kasparov in 2012 or so, and he's one of the dumbest guys I've ever met


Semantic satiation, that’s the thing where repetition makes words meaningless.


Brace needs to be held accountable for his feed and for appropriating Hydro culture.


OKC episode when

Ben Hansen

The outro to this episode might be the funniest fucking thing I’ve heard on this podcast despite it actually being a real situation and not a bit

Richard Cochnar

Calling sweats “cozies” is adorable and I’m going to start doing it.

Michelle B

Really interesting interview! Gotta love the idea propagated by mainstream news outlets that "labor violations are hard to prove"... Seems a lot easier to prove than establishing objectively the isssue with the idea that the guy in charge of covering Trump was asked to... cover Trump. I mean I know we are setting the bar to high for the MSM but they could conduct interviews and labor laws are actual factual measurable things. It's almost like they don't want to be honest about the precarious and exploitative state of American labor, an objective subject compared to their Trump sucks narrative 🤔 But I guess if you did that you couldn't keep feeding your audience a steady stream of blaming millennials and non-democrats for America's problems.

Ben Wood

I’d like every episode where Liz hates on the Dutch to be its own mini series. It’s a Whole Ass Vibe as the kids say.


Gonna disagree with you Brace, I always talk to people when either pooping or taking a poop. The test of true friendship.


Right, grow up people, don’t be petulant, take a seat, let’s discuss white terrorism.

Brian Long

Braces bot voice lmao

Brian Long

Tiktok live is a terrifying place


I always wait till I’m pooping to call my wife to let her know I’m coming home


My TikTok fyp is usually spot on but I’ll get the same crazy lives Brace is talking about. Maybe i keep getting them bc I’ve started screenshotting them for something of a collection.

Nathaniel Weiner

I like this guy's vibe. There should be a recurring segment where TA sends him into different fun cults and jobs.


Good to know brace and I have the same tiktok feed

will michel

i answered an open call from a washington post reporter who wanted to talk to food service workers about pandemic perks, and even with something as corny as that they made me sound like an absolute dumbass. they misquoted me, took me out of context, cherry-picked some of the, let’s say, “broader” stuff that i said. journalists can all eat shit!

liz was firing on all cylinders for this ep, incredible, even moreso than usual. that title drop was *seamless*


Steve sounds like a nice guy and I hope he finds true love


A type of bank one might say, of fungible spanks.

Maura Willey

i need the address of the building in jersey city.....

Randy Hendrickson

Did you folks do a Scientology ep. yet?


Braće Beldenović

Sam Krider

Gen z and they would wheel out the tv on a cart just about every 9/11 to make us watch it again and hear how sad it made everyone, even up to high school lol


Great episode


That baby has been on tik tok forever


My favorite live is the chicken they always dress up and pose you should say chicken into your phone 3 times n maybe you will get that one next brace


It’s been 48 hours and I’m still not over Jasper Fokker

Jason Edmiston

Steve Klett TrueAnon spin-off series, please.


love to read the epic epic epoch times

Jed Levin

There’s one thing about this whole story that we still need confirmation on: the Italian woman was beautiful, right?


Fantastic episode, great guest. I’ll be checking out his podcast. Also, I can’t believe there are 108 episodes of the Good Charlotte podcast, and counting …


Listened to this while delivering the epoch times to a few houses today


Liz was really in her power this ep 🫡 Would give anything for an episode on fashion houses and designers

natfos 💌

this guy worked for famous birthdays for 11 months and that tickles me

Li Hongzhi

I’m starting to think you guys don’t like me.


Drunk as duck I love you brace. Liz my mom love love love


3.5 eps about how fallon's gone :(

danica pantic

I designed Ziwe’s show, if y’all ever wanna switch to a visual medium plz hit me up. 💞


What a bunch of shit. Unleash the Archers is the greatest Canadian band of all time.


Dumb episode this guy is lame


In SF for the weekend and just drove past a Falun Gong performance by the pier

Anon Ibid

Austin's best vegan restaurant back in the day was the Falun Gong owned Veggie Heaven. I miss it so much