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We make a deposit in the Learn Bank and learn about Hipster Eugenics, advances in baby-making, Elon Musk’s brood, and Baby Einsteins real and imagined. What we find will make you spit out your pacifier.



Daniel Goffe

Brilliant episode.


The list of people (myself included) I know/have heard of that have had unfortunate run-ins with Kosha Dillz continues to grow. Dude once managed to force me to buy one of his t-shirts as he continuously hit on both my friends. My friend who was on warped tour with him has worse stories.


Shit like this reminds you that the good guys lost, and they lost a long time ago.


Yeah But Still just had an ep about Kosha Dillz


🤣 I had my third child at home and totally pulled my baby out. Fun times.


rich reddit dumbass: M'lady you've not only won the internet today, but you've won my heart. And my cum!


Ok so I don’t think Elon got any height enhancing stuff. I think he comes from a tall family and used to slouch more in photos. I do believe however he got something done to his torso to like fit more organs into it or something. It’s bizarrely shaped and didn’t used to be


You're conflating what our would be tech overlords think about themselves and what they think about the rest of us who don't know how to code good or w/e. Nothing about EA or the 4th industrial revolution or the covid response is radically individualistic - its the opposite.

Seth Aronovich

Eugenics advocates often lead interesting lives. John Philippe Rushton is notable for a theory in which races have different 'life history strategies'- which he theorizes lead to certain negative and positive correlations, including a negative correlation between intelligence and penis size. Rushton didn't exactly embody the 'K strategy' he attributed to whites, dropping out of high school before it was cool, having frequent affairs and divorces, and fathering at least two b**tard children (including one with a married black woman).


Naming girl baby Y and boy baby X is sOOoooO rAndOM (get it ? Like X and Y chromosomes ? ok ok ok haha lol)


Anyone else see a connection between the long termists naming their baby Octavian and Octavia Butler's Earthseed (destiny of humankind is to take root amongst the stars...)

our lady of reclaimed teeth

holy shit they weren't kidding about the matisyahu thing don't know what i was expecting, but it wasn't that


Let’s go this ep but I woke up to that earthquake and thought I was gonna die lol