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Seth Harp returns from Ukraine to talk with us about the International Legion of Ukraine, the media situation, and foreign fighters writ large.

Seth writing about US volunteer soldier casualties in Rolling Stone 

Harper's article 

The Intercept Article 



Isaiah C

Reddit Legion


Not gonna listen to this crap but I did read the guests article. A person has no morals or integrity or "anti-imperialist" credentials in my eyes if they shed even a single tear for the largest US/NATO proxy army being destroyed, much less any Western adventurist volunteers, made up of scum who had a jolly ol time getting their hands bloody in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Englishmen sentenced to death in Mariupol 100% deserve it, the epitome of scum who enjoyed the 'safari' during the civil war and now get a lethal dose of reality. Rest in piss and fuck Ukraine


The boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, that’s why I listen to the new TrueAnon on company time!

Robert Fenik

Facts on Windhorst voice

Isaiah C

It's pretty funny to see the volunteers fuck around and find out. It's not possible for me to have less sympathy for them


I really didn’t know they were using reddit to find people to do this, let alone redditors in mid life… so interesting

michael benham

Totally legit reason to join a foreign army Brace great explanation “lol uhh I just wanted to go over there because I read an interesting article”


Also good point. Freaky to think folks will come back to their home country w all this war knowledge when some might already be violent entities


I mean there’s obviously a bunch of reasons but it’s not that I “read an article”—I thought Ivanna Hoffman’s decision was fascinating and it’s what gave me the idea

Broton Thompson

Liz was right-- that sounded like Windy

michael benham

thanks for responding <3 is there somewhere you talk more about how you're not a spook seriously I am a bit late to your party


I mean legitimately it was a trip reading about the Iraq veterans finding out how fucked up and scary war is when you don't have Burger King on base and you don't control the air


I’ve been at my party my whole life if I was an asset of the cia I would have figured it out by now. I am incapable of side hustles and that would be too much of one

Rory Henham

Does Seth know that the Iron Cross is also the symbol of the German Armed Forces?

Mads Lund

Another Ukraine episode…

Warren snyder

Love you guys, is Patreon the only way to get all of these episodes? This website is a disaster

Peacock Jive

Ukraine is losing folks

5k Race Warrior

I know Putin is full of shit about denazification but if they showed some televized trials of Nazi mercenaries that'd be sick. I watched Clinton's impeachment and Saddam's hanging, i can handle this.

5k Race Warrior

Try copying the RSS link into a podcast app like PodcastAddict or something similar. The Patreon app is painful sometimes.

Robert Granniss

I wonder if the volunteers aren't banking on generating content when they get back and capitalizing on the experience the way Brace did. Seems like an innovation on typical mercenaries to go for royalties over cash upfront... guess time will tell...


The Grayzone interviewed a journalist who visited Donbas and writes about that + being in touch with the captured and tried westerners, it is v interesting reading (@jccfergie on Twitter)




I'd put down $10 that the NY fitter who was killed had an "I'm pro-pipeline" sticker on his daily driver F-150


Duck Soup


and the last thing anyone wants is to lose 'anti-imperialist credibility' in the eyes of swagmasta 420

Brendan Garcia

Hard to imagine the US getting any of these guys back when they can’t even/are unwilling to get Brittany Griner back. That’s a lot more damaging PR wise.

Em Zora

On the subject of the YPG, rest in peace Jordan MacTaggart. His birthday is coming up soon. He was my best friend and joined the YPG, fought for a long time and unfortunately died there. A bit before Brace joined them, I believe.

Doug Cartel

Always interesting to note that the ukranian army was tiny before 2014 and became the largest since then. Definitely not suspicious or in line with the state department's dream of smashing russias military.

Foxhound Press

WTF, why is everyone shitting on Utah? This place is a paradise. I lived in the Tenderloin in SF, I know how bad it can get.

Sam Zeng

Brace is a CIA Agent and Zionist agitator

Doug Cartel

Haven't looked into it much, but the DPR/LPR have the death penalty and Russia doesn't, so foreigners getting capital punishment means they would be under separatist law, assuming what I am reading is true anyway. Edit: of course I type this up two seconds before Brace says it, go figure


boss make a dollar I make a nickel, that's why my side gig is bass for Skankin Pickle

Dan Z

Oh gwape


What's unhinged is that people here can listen to the NATO episodes and think: "this time, I'm sure it's fine and dandy to support the NATO proxy in this conflict. Slava Ukraini!" You are a fucking rube.


Uh huh that's nice. Keep shrieking at the phantoms in your brain, SwagMasta 👍


Pretty funny you guys can offer no counterpoints other than laughing at my username, as if I'm unaware I have a funny username? The Nazis in the regular AFU that slaughtered civilians in Donbass for 8 years and worship Bandera and Shukehvych and other Jew/Pole killers as national heroes are not "phantoms" in anyone's head, they are real.


?????Yes, I don't disagree with any of that. And as far as I can see nor do Brace, Liz, or the majority of their listeners. When you swagger into this comments section shrieking and bellowing you are absolutely shrieking at phantoms in your head.


Where in this episode, and where in this comments section, has anyone expressed support for NATO or for the NATO proxy in this conflict? You are a straight-up fucking psycho.


The guest on this episode disagrees with that, is he a phantom? His writing takes the pro-Ukrainian narrative at face value, the only thing his reporting does is show the actual reality that western volunteers face in this war. Otherwise it's still the same.

Pelican Grief

Dude does sound like Windhorst. Now why is that?


I'm not especially familiar with him tbh but frankly I doubt your characterisation is accurate considering the genuinely psychotic way you have behaved literally every time I've seen your dogshit account on this app. I think I'll trust Brace and Liz's judgement over yours thanks!


literally just go read the article for yourself? It's linked here already, are you really that lazy? Laughable that I'm supposed to believe you agree with me when the first thing you say to my comment is "unhinged". enjoy watching the AFU get annihilated!


Nah man I've seen your account on here before and you are a psychopath with serious anger issues and I'm guessing zero friends.


This is like, the second time I've wrote a comment on here. Guess I got stuck in your brain last time? Sucks for you!


btw out of curiosity SwagMasta, why do you follow the TrueAnon Patreon exactly? Do you actually think Liz and Brace are pro-NATO? Are you one of those guys who thinks they're CIA? lol


Seth pretty obviously doesn’t take the Ukrainian MOD narrative at face value literally this entire episode revolves around him going to Ukraine and showing the opposite of that. Seek truth from facts brother.


I don't, I think they are regular people like you and me who can have good and entertaining analysis on some things, and some where they fall short or don't quite connect the dots, for various reasons.


Maybe not Ukraine MOD, but he still writes out anti-Russia views in his Rolling Stone article and calls the DPR a "puppet government" while letting the puppets in Kiev get by without mention. Strange!


I figured it could be that but no way cause he’s more famous as The Singapore Guy than as a philosopher


Your post acknowledging that sometimes regular people fall short or don't connect the dots is infinitely preferable to the blood-and-thunder spittle-flecked tirade you opened this thread with.


The regular people is about Brace and Liz, not about an American journalist manufacturing the consent.


True, “spooks” are known to convince people they aren’t involved w/ intelligence operations via the comment section of a podcast. Good call brother.


Y’all outdid yourselves with this episode title


This is what I get for responding to one of the "didn't listen to this episode but...." kind of comments lol


multip-LIZ-ity… each one grows more advanced. I await and dread the day the pod is Liz, Liz Lelden, and Young Lizky. we will then need to free the True Liz from guantanamo to combat the clones


hey brace where do i find this interrogation tape

Zachary Sloan

Be Racist And Cheat Everyday

Maura Willey

i don't think that fact is helping anyone beat the Nazi allegations

Maura Willey

if you think that was the takeaway of the NATO eps then you definitely didn't listen to those either. which begs the question, why are you paying to be a patron of this podcast? feels like a waste of money imo

5k Race Warrior

Were gonna reboot the show Burn Notice and cast Brace as the shoulder holster spy guy, Liz as the Irish killer lady and Young Chomsky as Bruce Campbell.

Some Guy

The trick is to just assume everyone's a fed at all times, even yourself. Then you'll never get tricked because you'll never believe anything, you won't even believe that you don't believe anything

Colin Underwood

Seth is amazing. 17 minutes in he just starts interviewing Brace. Great stuff!

Colin Helpio

Cannot WAIT for the Fort Bragg article

Gordon Schmidt

Honestly, if I'm being interrogated by Russian intelligence, I'm telling them EVERYTHING

mexicanhalloween .

They joined the ukrainian army after euromaidan? lol, did you know these guys from skrewdriver?


love to vacation in Greece



Also to mention Sean Pinner but not mention he was in Azov???? Cmon guys

a clash of purple

I donno... I've been listening to The Empire Never Ended podcast and frankly the feds and the CIA have zero standards when it comes to informants. So sure, Brace is a fed, why not... I wasn't about to confide in him about any illegal stuff I might be planning to do, so it doesn't matter. You don't have to assume everyone's a fed, but you should be cognizant of levels of trust and stuff like that. Feds can actually be pretty helpful when doing legal activism, since they tend to have money and a van and stuff like that, and they're more motivated than a lot of typical people. Just don't tell anyone about any crimes you're planning unless they've earned your trust. The rule of thumb is that if someone tries to convince you to do something illegal, or if someone has a van, there's at least a 65% chance they're a fed. If they do both, they're 100% a fed. If you do know any feds, a good trick is to make up fake terrorisms with them and then inform the government in exchange for extra payment and split it among yourselves. The FBI does it, you can do it too.

a clash of purple

It'd be funny if Putin got real serious about denazification all of a sudden and started executing all the Russian Nazis. Those guys are already having enough trouble figuring out how to justify fighting Ukrainian Nazis on behalf of Putin, who they don't especially like. I mean, they don't want to denazify Ukraine in the first place. They're resorting to like finding random dead Ukrainians and claiming that they're gay or black or whatever (the Ukrainian Nazis do the same thing with dead Russians). Frankly, it all just goes to show that no matter what they say, Nazis are their own worst enemy, not Jews or whatever.

a clash of purple

I don't think CIA agents are allowed to vape or do heroin. He could be an asset, though.

a clash of purple

Wuss. You need to practice torturing yourself in order to toughen up (which is a real thing people do).

a clash of purple

How can Azov allow a guy named 'Sean' to join up? Come on. Have some Slavic pride. At least make him change his name to Ivan.

nick dee

lol azov in mariupol were negotiating surrendering long before any 'govt order' how the hell that dude repeat such blatant lie is perplexing. getting holed up surrounded by 1/10 of the force and being hunted down like rabbit the moment you go out isn't cameron level of resistance my dude


I listened but I agree that every podcast I’ve listened to has been weak on Ukraine, to the point of hopelessness.


There’s absolutely no need to both sides this conflict. There’s the good guys: the Russians and their allies, especially the Chechens, and the bad guys: the US and everybody associated with them. Hope this helps clear things up.


He called Australians the White Trash of Asia which as an Australian I find very funny and true

Amanda LaMountain

It appears that this PR firm is doing the bulk of the (at least forward facing) work on behalf of Ukraine: https://www.karvcommunications.com/#about

Michael Barbarich

Yeah, the good guys shell civilians and rape toddlers. What a baby brained take. Their both awful, but dipshit western leftists consistently have idiotic takes on the conflicts in Europe. Loved it when people I respected told me that my 14 year old cousin's torture and murder in Bosnia was either 1) not that big of a deal or 2) he somehow deserved it because Milosevic was trying to build socialism in the remnants of Yugoslavia and my cousin was clearly some kind of CIA stooge.


Sounds more like Roger Goodell announcing a draft pick than Brian Windhorst

a clash of purple

There doesn't have to be a good guy, SoldierBlue. There usually aren't. No one should be rooting for any given side to win, they should just be hoping that the bloodshed ends as soon as possible.


Be Real And Chuff Electric


Putins idols include Pinochet, his administration is the remnants of the CIA rigged elections that brought down the USSR and just the other month he put down protests in Kazakhstan, which Nato and the Chinese were also very happy with, given BRI and the fact Israel gets 30% of its oil from there. Nothing more cringe than the Z lot

Zachary W Gay

Yeah, sure cool when the good guys invade other countries and commit war crimes.

Morgan spector

Given the relationship between Ukraine and us intelligence/special forces you guys think it’s possible that the foreign legion was publicly declared in order to create a cover story for the special forces types who might be killed or captured


Brace is the American English translation of "Oubliette"

Samuel Cain

Building. Revolution. Against. Cock-suckers. Everyday.


Been lacking good info on what the fuck is happening over there ty


We've got a lot to do to get to 600 comments. Really slacking off, you guys. No wonder the Fed has to induce a recession to scare you people straight.


Check out this angle. As a US taxpayer, I've been an enabler and associate of both the CIA and FBI since I was a teenager. I listen to this podcast to keep tabs on how the money's spent. It's like my personal intelligence briefing, and I've earned it.

Adam Pittman

Really like the idea of an American Divorced Dad Legion fighting mid-life crisis style in Ukraine

Ben Chisholm

Love you guys- Here to put in an off topic request for a Gruesome Gavin episode. 😎❤️

Liam Barker

Never any terf island tour dates :(


Yooo it does sound exactly like Brian Windhorst


Get Google Engineer Blake Lemoine on the pod to talk about AI and Google ethnics - do AIs like crypto? and does coindexter become a cyborg in the future?


Don't google ethnics guys it's not what you think

Daniel Goffe

@Trueanon What do you guys think of Kohei Saito? I think his stuff is some of the realist out there about Degrowth and how the Green New Deal is not realistic when you consider the ecological disaster in front of us. That realisation affected some of my thought process about war in that yes NATO still sucks and always will, but so does Russia, and all big countries that are obsessed with growth, none of them are Marxist in the sense that Saito describes and Marx was moving towards at the end of his life(about rebalancing human relationship with nature). Be interested to hear your opinions anyhow. Solidarity.


Swag's right. It's unbelievable that people are still sucking up the narrative. Ukraine flag in bio brain and shedding tears for Azov. Hate to see it.


nah man, swagmasta is schizo. and i say this as someone who thinks the only twitter accounts more dead-eyed and evil than the ukraine flags are the taiwan flags.

Cameron Dunleavy

Surely the Spanish Civl War remains the war with the highest level of foreign fighters involved?