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We go back to the Freak Beat and take a look at the kidnapping of Joshua Boyle & Caitlan Coleman by the Haqqani Network in 2012 and the twisted mind of a man forever warped by Wikipedia.

Joshua Boyle's Wikipedia page
Jar Jar Binks Wookiepedia page
Biden Admin steals Afghan Central Bank's money to give to Americans 




Nooooo whatso fucked up rn why does Lucas have to be so racist all the time brooooo

J.P. McD.

I have the restored bootleg Blu-ray of "Turkish Star Wars" that I haven't watched yet. Cuneyt Arkin the actor in every Turkish movie is such a great movie star

Juliette DeMaso

With the kink shaming though. Sigh.


wait was Liz's YouTube guy voice supposed to sound just like Ghislaine


do we have any updates on caitlan now?


Lol. Of course ANY mention of “kink” that doesn’t acknowledge openly that “kink” is always good and never bad is an instant trigger for liberal leaning “leftists”

Nathaniel Weiner

Great episode. I was too high in college to understand the Ukraine one or when they talk theory. But this I get.


'To be clear' Liz is a stick in the mud, but she still kicks ass


I prefer this to the dog fucking story. 👍


The moral of the story is that a)Wikipedia power editors are insane, b) none of this would have happened without the internet c) the internet was a mistake. I

Sarah Low

This one got dark and upsetting in a way that these freak of a da week episodes don't usually make me feel. Loved it though I had no idea about this case!

Sarah Low

Hopefully their kids are doing ok :/

Alal Alal

13:10 That sounds like Alan Dershowitz...

Aidan Smith

1 minute in and I'd die for Liz, as usual