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Welcome to TrueAnon Presents: Keep the Dream Alive, a history of the legendary analog recording studio Tiny Telephone San Francisco.

In this episode: moving to SF; the band breaking up; renting a space; Survival Research Labs; assembling a team; the first tour.

Interviews with John Darnielle, Greg Freeman, and John Croslin.

Featured tracks: "Borders" by Ganfalloon Bus and "The Dream Is Over" by MKUltra.

Survival Research Laboratories show from 1992.



Bobby Volcano

As a creative this resonates a lot and is inspiring. You young kids soak this up and take it to heart, before you're an old person who never believed in themselves or what they were doing.

Zack Burke

Lifelong Bay Area native. We have to do something to save these places, man. There has to be some way. Thanks Yung Chomsky!

Sean Fuquay

This is wonderful. Great work!

Blake Patraw

sooo so so good. love this series so much thank u guys ur getting me through work today


hung chomsky voice make me want to coooooooooooom

Robert Gaudio

Is there a stand-alone feed for Keep The Dream Alive? I want to share it but… ya know


Fusing ya fingers for fun


This is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for creating such a powerful record of an incredible place. It's helping me stay creative despite the crush of capitalism

Oliver Crane

Hell yeah “Jaipur” blew my mind when I first heard, incredible song

will michel

as a starving musician also from rockville, maryland, i feel this

Yo! It's Emo

Goddamn I nearly did a spit take in my car hearing the words "Williston Florida" muttered on this channel while driving home from my job in Alachua. As a subscription holder of Tape Op I wish I had known more about this studio when I had the chance.


So fun listening and revisiting the old days! Makes me miss my time at college radio.


Hi I'm a college radio failure and love that you're doing this series

Jared Sarnie

One of the best things this podcast had ever done. Instant classic. This should get a wide release beyond Patreon! I want more people to hear this


This is sick


What’s the thinking fellars track?

Jacob Burkhalter

Um… I Fucking love this podcast. And I have no connection to music or recording…. This is so nostalgic feeling still. Excellent work.

Chris the beautiful

I was definitely not expecting Granfalloon Bus to show up in my podcast feed. Lovely show, YC, hats off.

Em Zora

I hope YC does more documentary style podcasts like this in the future. This has been incredible storytelling.

Drew Thorla

This was not the “MK Ultra” I had hoped for.

Jack Zubia

need a tracklist for these episodes


just got around to listening to this, what an ambitious project!!!! well done