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We talk with venerated musician John Vanderslice and our own Yung Chomsky about the life of a working musician, the transformation of San Francisco, and the making of our upcoming podcast series Keep the Dream Alive.



Barton Dudlick

Looking forward to new pod.

Spencer McKee

this is sweet. thanks for doing this series, excited to hear more


I’m with Liz tearing up at JV’s closing monologue. Cannot fucking WAIT for this.

Internet jones

So the brace wiki says he plays a musicmaster bass, which is a really hilarious instrument, hoping for more gear related content, and hearing brace explain why he chose the weirdest fender ever made

Jared Sarnie

I'm so excited for this. I graduated high school in 2017, but for whatever reason, the music that was most meaningful me at the time was that folksy indie rock stuff from a decade earlier. I had no idea so many of my favorite bands had all coalesced around one studio. I'm so excited for this, the love and care going into this project is so exciting. I'm really thrilled to see Liz Brace and YC expand into more projects like this, they all seem to have such storied lives and diverse talents that go far beyond the epstein-verse and I'd love to see them branch out into more, truly independent passion projects. Awesome episode


For transparency’s sake could we get an estimate on the total cost of the signal chain?


Brace is about 4 ft 9, so the short scale music master bass is probably a perfect fit


dude i’ve been an indy rock lover for at least 7yrs and i’m 19! my dads a boomer but he’s a hippy and a big fan of folk and the best indie rock! i’m lucky to have found this pod otherwise i’d be even more of an introverted dork and not smoked as much weed. love this so excited!!


only SF band I care about is TFUL282!

Zack Burke

Jerry Garcia said it best. Playing music live is like sailing a ship through a storm in the open ocean. Recording music is like building a ship in a bottle.

Mark Owen

Flipper and SRL references, now I can dig it.