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Trial day 13. Closing arguments.



Brian Long

Thanks for all your hard work, TA! ❤️

Stephen Wells

I'm in Nicaragua getting dental care, but my vpn shows I'm in a different Latin American country. So Patreon makes me verify it's really me and I'm only a gumshoe. Que es eso?


RIP Lucky 13. Fucking haters.


@ yung https://open.spotify.com/track/51a2eCHB6PILsIQX3kxVLe?si=35P1UIL4SbGx9nLStywPqw

Carson Brown

John Peel does literally have “Teenage dreams so hard to beat” on his gravestone lol

Frank Cold

Hoff twins interviews Maxwell twins. Tell Andrew from channel 5


Yeah but that’s an undertones song, his favorite one (which is not that great a song but also the undertones are a band everyone likes for a year then never listens to again)


Power pop in general can be sort of put into two categories: Milk n’ Cookies style stuff and Dwight Twilley style power pop/city rock. The Milk n’ Cookies style really does not hold up and if you’re not in your late teens early 20s it’s insane and perverted that you can listen to it. Guys should settle into a Pentangle/Thin Lizzy/Zevon/Only Ones “musical quad” by mid twenties.


What the fuck are you talking about dude?(zevon fan since I was a kid, i also like timbuk 3, both are great to do for shows)


If you can clap it, you can dance it


There’s a pair of twin old ladies in my home town who walk the main trail every day, one about 50 ft in front of the other, both reading and in matching outfits

Lesley Anne Noelle

~didja ever see that commercial ‘You did it, you got into law school, you graduated law school, you chose criminal, you are the person entrusted to put the bad people away…they’ve picked the jury, you’ve heard from the witnesses, you’ve cross examined theirs. but what only you understand is: Closing Arguments are your time. Closing Arguments are your time to shine, to look the jury in the eye, and tell ‘em why, to shit on the defensive’s little innuendo about the victims being useless people, and sock it to the jury, with Closing Arguments.’

Lesley Anne Noelle

I would have closed with a picture or Eichmann in Tel Aviv. He looked like the Nazi who ran the mailroom. ‘Members of the Jury, you were expecting a Monstressly horrible woman? Perhaps Cruella deVille, at the very least? The Banality of Evil, Hannah Ahrendt called it. So it was when millions of jewish children were sent to be slaughtered in factories of death, in an event that the world was not ready for…so it is today, in a world more weather beaten, a world, it might seem, impervious to shocks. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, allow me to introduce Ghislaine Maxwell.

Floyd Hill

That was a fake picture of another woman...but I'm sure you will be mentioning that.....VERY weird thing to release by her lawyer though...