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Trial day 12. The defense rests.



Paul Brewer

The ‘nag’ in Nag’s Head refers to a horse.


Liz Freedom




Maxwell goes down, the baying masses get their punishment and resolution, and the whole affair is memoryholed, the world moves on. She’s a perfect sacrificial lamb.


I hate everyone who 'simped' for her breasts ( I also hate that I know the word 'simped')


Get well soon Liz. Also guys I think in the UK for a real estate deal you use a solicitor, not a barrister. Another good episode, thanks!


'I am Nietzche' Defense by the Maxwell crew.


Orchid rocks. Brace jocks.

Nic Bodiford

No one hits the “b” in subpoena harder than Brace does.


honestly this outcome makes the most sense to me as all her tiered up pals have left her hanging in the wine…


i WANT to buy MiddleFART cosmetics. i do. like NOW.

Carla Amalie Fledelius

As soon as I heard the name Middelfart, I knew she was Scandinavian. Another L for us


actually, there is a scientific reason your knee hurts when it's going to rain! Here is an orthopedic docs explanation: "When there's a rainstorm, atmospheric pressure drops. As soon as your body detects this change, it makes your soft tissues swell up. As a result, fluid in the joints expands. Unfortunately, the expansion and contraction that takes place around the joints can irritate your nerves and cause pain."

Adam Joseph

Omg the subpoena bit made me spit up my water lmao


i know the verdict has been reached by now, but I'm just listening through all this coverage....is it possible the defense is throwing the trial? so ghislaine can claim mistrial on grounds of incompetent representation? I have NO clue if that's even legally possible, but it seems like the only reason besides the sacrificial lamb angle that makes sense for why the defense is so awful