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Felix Biederman of the hit radio show Chapo Trap House joins us on the road to the other 9/11: Benghazi. 

We begin our journey discussing the life and horrific death of the esteemed Col. Muammar Gaddafi, how we conned our way into the complete destruction of yet another country in the Middle East, and the various bureaucratic wars that set the stage for Hillary’s ultimate downfall in Benghazi.



Riley Bloomer-Ludwig

Anybody know a good book on either Gadhaffi’s Libya and or the intervention ?


Does anyone have an extra ticket to the Philadelphia October 19 show? Hmu


I Love your show Liz and Brace, but I'm so disappointed that you won't report on what you know is the biggest shift in known history, I do understand though. I'm a bit older than the both of you, so I've enjoyed plenty of freedom. Please speak up before it's to late. Peace and Love to you.

Stephen Wells

How many of your listeners are CIA? Do you have an estimate?

Stephen Wells

Was Tricia Nixon her grandmother?

Kate Baldwin

Love when Brace learns one young new 'hip' star and name drops them repeatedly to be cool with the zoomers listening.

Alal Alal

Great stuff, I'm looking forward to y'all going over the CIA rat line thru the benghazi "consulate" (psyche, not actually a consulate) as revealed by Sy Hersh's work in 2014.


As a born a raised Alabama boy, I fully approve Liz’s repeated “bless his little heart” comments ❤️


I’m ignorant and genuinely curious, what’s the biggest shift I known history??


Will you're in the midst of it. Peace and Love to U


Can we (you) get a Newsom ep going???


I once met an old crank Australian Orthodox Trotskyist who swore up and down that in the late 1970's when Gadaffi had his little communist phase and claimed that workers were taking over production in Libya, he had gone to Libya on behalf of his Orthodox Trotskyist sect (I know which one but am hesitant to say online) to a conference organized by Gadaffi. He said that Gadaffi had given them and other Trotskyist groups significant amounts of money that they took back with them.


Will the biggest shift in known history is covid 19 and that comes with it.


Brace and Liz, what a fabulous concept for the Only Anti Paedo Podcast,,,,, A "FOUCAULT the Paedo" podcast!!! WTF is this guy allowed to grace the conversation of café sipping "intellectuals", when they are merely fellow perverts who belong behind bars !!