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We take a first look at Lyndon LaRouche’s early life—the beginning of his road to happy destiny—and the origins of his strange connections and beliefs.




Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp is wild and perfect.


I reviewed Ghani's daughter's film! https://www.irishfilmcritic.com/movie-review-what-we-left-unfinished-is-a-stirring-homage-to-cinematic-expression/


I feel like a lot of your guys’ best broadly applicable cultural commentary (this one seems to describe a ton of dynamics present in the present day left) is paywalled and I wanna get my friends to listen :(


liz hasnt heard of lyndon johnson?


Have yall not read The Illuminatus? "Nothing is true everything is permitted" Is a radical agnostic statement. There is no epistemology. We can not possibly know truth. Truth is just a story we tell Everything is permitted, as in "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" To paraphrase RAW. "I don't believe in anything. But I do have some very strong suspicions."




It is so funny how nobody got this, never went to college and spent my 20's incarcerated, and still I feel like my 'fellow americans' just never did the assigned reading.

Jorge Michael Stefan Lima

any burroughs readers here? a lot of fuss about nietzsche & dostoevsky when burroughs goes straight to the source

John S

I always thought Washington, D-c was a nod to the Magnetic Fields song


I lived in Atlanta for a long time. When I arrived in late 1971, a Chinese sponsored [reputedly through subs to its national org's paper & also by providing free or highly subsidized trips to China as a "recruitment bonus"] Communist group called the Georgia Communist League, which changed its name to October League, and was affiliated with a Los Angeles based org. Eventually it was decided that these "pre-party formations" had matured into a true party & it was rechristened as "The Communist Party, Marxist-Leninist-Mao-Tse-Tung Thought". In its first iteration it had a news letter with half-tone red Hammer & Sickle on its front w/headlines often denouncing the U.S. C.P. that it distributed at the gates of the 2 auto plants then in town. It opposed Women's Rights Act, pot,homosexuality, etc. Can't remember exactly when but probably late '70s or very early '80s, they actually had a "shoot out" with a LaRouche Gang. The gun fight was held - wait for it - in a Low Income Housing Project occupied quite exclusively by black people close to downtown. Apparently no one was injured as neither gang could think or shoot straight.


Bonus, the Female head of the Atlanta CP-ML.... went on to be elected to the Georgia Assembly's House, and then to its Senate, and to this day she is a big Atlanta muckety-muck in the Democratic Party.


""nothing is true, everything is permitted"... I thought this was just a throwaway line in a song by the Jim Carroll band. Always learning.


The above story is amazing. Was it covered in the local press? Also, what is this persons name? I live in Georgia and I am so curious as to whether it might be a politician I'm already familiar with.


It's from Hassan I Sabbah, leader of the Hashisheen. Dude used to get his army of assassins high as fuck and have them kill his enemies.


Quite Possibly: Senator Nan Orrock, District 36. President of the Women Legislators' Lobby, national network. Sometimes she uses her Maiden name as a middle name; she is divorced from Orrock, though they remain on excellent terms. "... after serving ten terms in the Georgia State House of Representatives, serving as the first female House Majority Whip, she was elected in 2006 from Atlanta's downtown neighborhoods to the State Senate. ... [this & quite a bit more is from www.womensmediaenter.com.


I still hold a bit of resentment to Her "Party" and others of its ilk, e.g., the Weathermen, loads of Trot groups, other bizarre Maoist parties, etc., that were instrumental in subverting the development of movements that weren't cult like, e.g., The New American Movement, that wanted to build a movement that would hearken back to the ideals of Eugene V. Debs, et al., style socialism and opposition to rapacious Robber Baron, Monopoly Capitalism. Much less "sexy". The October League recruited people with promises [delivered] of free trips to China in the 1970s! And then - at least in my case - my former friends, including someone I'd been close to in University who'd moved back to FLA home, were told that they were NOT ALLOWED TO MEET or CALL or CORRESPOND WITH ME! I lived in a Duplex, had the larger unit on Monroe Drive, Atlanta. They put one of their robot women, Paula Cohen, in the unit next to mine to be my "contact person". My college friend was not the only friend I lost, but the one who - when disillusioned - was kind enough to call me to apologize & fill me in on the gory details. Friends of mine in Atlanta were ordered to stop having contact with me, and their retaliation against me got even got more "personal". Why? Because the Party was always making he poor recruits memorize the Party Line[s], which kept changing quite rapidly. For awhile, it seemed they had a new line every week. The recruits didn't have much prior education in Leftist ideologies, so they often could not understand the meanings of the new lines, only recite by rote - looking like frozen deer in the headlights when pointedly questioned about them. Naturally, the Party didn't want me interacting with their new cadre's' heads.


No, it was not covered in the press - at least to my knowledge. Nan's first husband was one of the founders of Atlanta's "underground newspaper", the Great Speckled Bird. But I'm quite sure I learned about it from naughty Nan Adjacent folks -- naughty because they were actually my friends or at least talking to me. Regarding the shoot out in the housing project, members of her party were quite proud of their reckless display of Revolutionary Struggle. They were also closely associated with the Medical Doctors and similar intellectuals who taunted some N.C. KKK before going up to NC for a confrontation. Not surprisingly - they were gunned down in reply. It was tragic, but when you read about it now*, you'd think the dead were always innocents cruelly murdered. [** Actually, I don't have exact memory of reading praise of the 'slain innocents', though I think I did in their publications, but I do remember hearing that take from former OL folks, including just a few years ago at the 50th Anniversary of the Great Speckled Bird "after party". The folks who were killed were posing & bragging in advance and - as much as any idiot can - asking to be killed.


Might as well provide gist of WIKIP account - make sure you read the second paragraph because this is not the CP-ML-M-T-T-T or CP-ML adjacent post-slaughter "hagiography" that I've heard or read in the past, but quite accurate to my memory of what I heard from reliable ear witnesses before the massacre: "The Greensboro massacre was a deadly confrontation which occurred on November 3, 1979, in Greensboro, North Carolina, US, when members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party (ANP) shot and killed five participants of a "Death to the Klan" march organized by the Communist Workers Party (CWP). The killed included four members of the CWP, who had originally come to Greensboro to support workers' rights activism among mostly black textile industry workers in the area.[1] The Greensboro city police department had an informant within the KKK and ANP group who notified them that the Klan was prepared for armed violence. The event had been preceded by inflammatory rhetoric from both sides. As the two opposing groups came in contact at the onset of the march, both sides exchanged gunfire. The CWP and supporters had one or more handguns, while members of the KKK and the ANP were shown in a video taking rifles from their cars.[2] In addition to the five deaths, ten demonstrators and a Klansman were wounded. "


Wow, this is all completely crazy!!! I didn't know about Nan Orrock. This is an amazing story.


Did you know who Nan Grogan Orrock is or have any personal awareness/knowledge of her? She must be in her late '70s by now, but she was active politically in recent years.


"do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is Aleister Crowley's summation of the degenerate lifestyle he promoted & died from as a hopeless, obese opium addict - after having inflicted many cruelties upon his own followers.

Blake Patraw

this ep was dope hell yeah

Michael S. Judge

it's wild that I can name one excommunicated Quaker, and it isn't Richard Nixon