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We’re joined by Andrew Callaghan of Channel Five News (formerly All Gas No Brakes) to talk about the Dallas QAnon Convention he and Brace attended, plus the direction of the MAGA movement.

Channel 5 is on Patreon.




Yeah, its one thing when its terminally online people in cities, but if you're deep on the Yelm highway this shit is a fucking PROBLEM.


I am so ready for this

Part Time Stoic

DaGayPussyEatah bedded Sidney Powell


I’ve been waiting for this 🙏🏻 lfg


andrew on the pod let's gooo baby


Fuck yeah


Holy shit what a guest, I was hoping there’d be an episode on this

Sam Zeng

Feeling blessed


The plan to Make America Go Away, yea!


damn this is a gift from god


"Avengers is the greatest crossover of all time" Counterpoint:


This title has me geekin’ fr


Damn i hate this guy hes a fuckin sex pest

Eric Young

I have been to that Omni for Dallas Fan Expo. Ernie Hudson had a whole room in tears at that convention talking about how hard it was to break into acting and how amazing it was to get his first big break. I agree with Brace's implication that the Omni is a noteworthy hotel/convention center.


My gf had a boat party last year and andrew cried when a local model kicked him out of her house cuz she didnt want to fuck him


u guys r legends




Andrew is one of the best guests ever. We love Andrew.

Eric Currie

I live a town over from Joshua Tree and I’ve never basked my gooch. I’m just built different


this one needs to be released to the masses


I heard from the guys on QAnonAnonymous mention that Brace Belden was there and I was excited :)


this is gunna be such a good listen

Christopher Price

the portland police also used the proud boy rallies to recruit informers from leftish counter-protestors. Andrew's 5th grade girlfriend's playing peak was winning a club regional championship in high school. As for Baron not kissing, Liz needs to show Andrew pictures of Timothee Chalamet trying to make out. So many of the professional beautiful have no idea what they're doing.

Science Officer Stefanie

This is such an excellent collaboration. I have been a fan of both of yours for a while now. I was wondering what happened to “all gas no breaks” and heck, if i wasn’t a True Anon listener i would not have known.


I wanna know the context of that “thanks -DaGayPussayEatah” Grindr screenshot


Been to an Omni in San Antonio and def agree, very noteworthy


TrueAnon and chapo synced their cycles in Los Angeles


Could not WAIT for this episode. Love all of Andrew’s work

Michael S. Judge

I gotta be honest: it sounds like these patriots were doing sick levels of opsec

Daniel Goffe

Great episode. Well done all. The description of the Q Merch was superb. 👍🏻


But when is the Professor Doctor’s library going up


This episode (like all your eps) was really good

Jessica S

Oh I’ve been waiting for some Q news. It never disappoints!

Tre Kendrick

Shines with an evil eye




the most ambitious crossover of the year

Jonathan lees

Fantastic the stars are aligned for awhile at least


Some good reality checks in this one.


Who's the dude on the right in the pic?


Yung Chomsky music !!

Michael Coutts

The comment about the hippie/newage movement and Q made me think about the Love Will Win cult.


Yung Chomsky is literally the only Chomsky worth a damn tbh


Turns out QAnon was the friends we made along the way 🤗🙏


The riot content chasers sound like the movie Nightcrawler

Zack Burke

All Gas, No Brace


When you guys were talking about the hippies being anti Mask and vaccine in California really rings true in Canada especially in toronto. We have anti mask protests every week and it’s a mix of guys with trucks and white people with dreads, it’s a weird scene. A far right conspiracy driven political party has formed around it called the Republican Party haha.


Trueanon and channel five is a match made in heaven. Hope to see way more of them together.




always great to cover Q


Also met Jake Angeli... yelled at me about zero point energy. I tried to tell him about single and double point energy but he wasn't having it.


FINALLY an episode on the prince truthers!!


Amazing guest

Chris Ryan

Oh yeah there’s a place called Pleasanton right outside San Jose where they are toting pitchforks that have seen actual use and might even be caked in manure. Also I often pass by large groups of men on motorcycles with all black leathers and I don’t think it’s JSOC

Jack Nancy

lol never heard andrew talk so much. love you guys.

Leonard Haise

So glad he brought up metaphysical Megan. I’ve been following her on IG since the butthole sunning fiasco and it’s brain meltingly great.


Another banger! Amazing to me that the media and all its sycophants refuse to understand that nobody—including conspiracy theorists—likes to be condescended to, as Andrew was saying.

Carson D

Dallas loves you!!

Adam Gorvin

Crossover of the century


Please cover the assassination of Winston Smith by federal/local taskforce in Minneapolis, MN on June 3rd, 2021. They killed him, lied about it, and nobody's heard from the woman that was with him.


Others, please help amplify this. There's been some kind of blackout on coverage of this by regular media.

Robert Calcagno

The Prince stuff is so much sadder and dumber because there’s enough of a rabbit hole with his life and death but they literally make up fan fiction to implicate the Clintons. Like every time.

Agave Maria

My hometown on long island just voted in a guy at our high school’s board of education who’s against “critical race theory”

Claire Simon

My favorite MAGA character is the capitol riot guy who smoked a doobie under the rotunda because he called me a r*tard on Instagram for making a joke about being vaccinated

Roger Peet

I'm sorry, the Bundy standoff was where? This Callaghan guy is hilariously wrong about five times during this episode. Thumbs down.

Zachary White

I also noticed this, there was a standoff in Malheur in Central Oregon and an earlier Nevada one. He was maybe confusing those with white power in Northern Idaho


this was so much fun


Please report on this story! No Leftist commentators have picked this up yet https://youtu.be/Aht5wKqCVA0

Colin Clark

This was so fucking cathartic


i joined the patreon for this ep- i didn't even realize it was andrew i just related so hard to the metaphysical megan story in the teaser. i have lost a lot of friends to that- rip.


This has nothing to do with this episode but if you don’t bring another round of tshirts so I can buy one I’m going to walk around shirtless until u do. No one wants that


How tf is Andrew talking about “chaos documentation and riot porn” without any self awareness lol


That buh-bye was really poppin.


a great meeting of the minds

Bess Connelly

um was andrew talking about pete doherty

will michel

i thiiiink it might be antony langdon, dude was in “i’m still here” with casey affleck


Barron Trump has autism, he has an actual disability & went to a special school for ASD in NYC.


Andrew in FL sez Thanks, Joan. The kid, it has been clear, has challenges. I have hated watching "left" harpies jump on him due only to his parentage. aw


It is pretty infuriating to hear people say these people are cooky or harmless. I live in a small conservative rural Washington town. I took my mom shopping one day and we speak to each other in spanish since it is her first language. I left her alone for a minute and one of these guys got a lil cooky and started yelling at my mom for speaking her language to her son. He had a Plandemic and Q sticker on his jeep. 30 high school kids got together at a local park to wave BLM signs and a bunch of these sweethearts confronted them armed to teeth. Unfortunately the Sheriff was 1600 miles away in Nogales learning about how to combat human and drug trafficking. But once he was back he let us know they were very fine people and if they sexually harassed any of the girls it was all harmless and just in the heat of the moment.

Joe Welch

Picturing the street scene with the liberal guy freaking out on the prince people has me laughing so hard I can't breath. 😂🤣