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Joined once again by Ben & Aaron, we close out the JFK series—for now—with a talk about later investigations, the state of the research, and what his death means.

Preorder Aaron’s Book here.



Juliette DeMaso

I remember the time I became so homophobic I obsessively dedicated the rest of my whole ass life to investigating the Kennedy assassination. 🤔

Juliette DeMaso

Tell me Bill Hicks got the Chavez cancer without telling me Bill Hicks got the Chavez cancer.


What's the deal with White House food?

Zack Burke

Of course LBJ suspected the CIA of doing murders! He still had the shovel!




Less do dis


oooo baby

Kevin Diez

This is what I like 2 see!

Cameron Pasman

Appreciate the commitment to the ???s looking forward to this one and the inevitable???? next.


Brace Belden onlyfans


Ben is the 4th Anon now


More like JFC! I wish I had a partner that blew my cock the way that this series is blowing my mind

will michel

JFK is still alive and living in an influencer house in buenos aires

Jessica S

My favorite quartet as of late — er, quintet, I mean! Can’t leave out YC!

Jack Zemanski

11.22.63 is the Stephen king thing it got turned into a tv show on Hulu


I would recommend Oliver Stone's Nixon to watch alongside JFK though. JFK is actually slightly longer than Nixon. Both great movies. The directors cut of Nixon has a creepy scene involving Nixon and Richard Helms discussing somethings which folks like us trueanon listeners might find interesting.

Karen Agena

I honestly feel like this series has been informative b/c this is current events. Look at what is happening regarding Bill Gates, Donald Trump. We’re learning these ppl did business with bizarre ppl, in the most corrupt ways but it seems like a limited hangout b/c it’s never the entire truth. It’s only enough to satisfy the most vapid of impulses, completely disregarding even the most basic truths such as Biden is continuing the same harmful policies as Trump or that Gates knew Maxwell long before the news published.


I’m stoned AF but can we talk about how much Ben’s voice sounds like Edward Snowden

Jonathan lees

The big hornets nest. Brilliant

Brian Long

What did Brace say in the beginning to make Liz laugh like that? I couldn’t understand it.


michael parenti gave a talk about JFK (the movie) around the time it came out. He goes into the JFK conspiracy and talks about conspiracy theory in general http://www.demystification.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/JFK.mp3

Pear Is A Patsy

This series was amazing and it has fully pilled me on how deep the deep state goes. Can’t wait to read the dissertation!

Nicholas CLARK

thanks for the shirt brace! 👁💋👁


'winter kills' with jeff bridges is a cool jfk/assassination movie with a sick ending


also DePalma's 'Blow Out' is a beautiful mashup of conspiracy/deep state tropes

Brendan Garcia

Parallax View is a good, fictionalized look at the JFK/RFK assassinations. Real paranoia hours.

Alaina Nuvola

I tried to watch JFK, but all the stupid streaming services I have don't have it. You have to rent it.


Really appreciate that the series concluded with a discussion of the consequences of JFK's death. Highly recommend JFK's Peace Speech for anyone who wants a sense of what kind of world he wanted Americans to imagine -- a major departure from the one the Power Elite wanted, and the one they got after they took him out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fkKnfk4k40


Sad moody brace :(


hey did anyone catch the author of the journal article on postcolonial plunder? would like to read + circulate

Chris Ryan

Wtf wait I was too high and I thought Liz was saying this was the last episode of TrueAnon. I have never been so panicked in my life


I want to say a special thanks to every one involved in this production! You have been very very productive and careful in your formulations and descriptions.


I want to give a special thanks to guest Ben and Aaron whose works I have been reading and subscribing too with great enjoyment and satisfaction. Your diligent attention to detail has opened vast new reasons for what, even as a 6 year old when JFK was shot, i have found and heard was suspicious.


I kept hearing it as "Limited google hangouts"


As to the supposed "communists" who find this uninteresting, I ask have you ever read KM on history? KM would have been fascinated with the detail and developed it with ascerbic irony. Are you really just Deep State trolls?


Shortest cold open?


Do a series on the post WWII consolidation of American power and how this kind of stuff came to be.

g haslam

it can be a bit hard to find, but i highly recommend henri verneuil's "i for icarus" starring yves montand. a great "fictional" accounting of a presidential assassination and warren commission

Xander Udo

Great ending to a great series. The ending of the ending was even stronger.

Sean Ford

I randomly watched a Gene Hackman movie from 1989 called THE PACKAGE... it's essentially a retelling of the JFK assassination set in Chicago, with the military trying to assassinate a foreign dignitary. But all the other plot elements are 100% a winking retelling of the JFK assassination. It's by the director who later did THE FUGITIVE with Harrison Ford and has a few of the same character actors. I thought I was going crazy with too much JFK content rolling around in my brain when I watched it, but it's definitely a JFK riff.

James S

Any leftist who wanted Bernie sanders to be elected, but doesn't think the jfk matters should probably realize that they would have done the same thing to bernie if they really thought he was a threat. Anyone who represents even mild left leaning change is going to be marginalized of offed.

Tron Quip

Türk haberleri şimdi lütfen arkadaşlar.


Is there anything to the theories around the Las Vegas shooter? Hard to sort through all the internet noise and anti Semitic globalist tropes. Would love a trueanon breakdown of it.


Dude was that the I, Luciferi tour?


Just wanted to clarify that up to 3 million were slaughtered in Indonesia, not 1 million. See The Jakarta Method for a great in depth account of the anticommunist efforts from 1950 onward.


The real assassination was the friends we made along the way.

a clash of purple

Pretty sure they actually interviewed the Jakarta Method author. Right? He was on all the other podcasts, I think he was also on TrueAnon...


If anyone wants some local color on Garrison check out the book Mr New Orleans. The author was on the war nerd pod and it gives some interesting nuance to what we hear about Garrison in this series. Not a criticism, but definitely changes the picture of him as presented here.


Well the author is no fan of Garrison. Claims he was a crooked DA completely in the pocket of the local mob boss Carlos Marcello. And the Kennedy stuff was a rebrand for his image, idk just found it interesting.

Mike D


Mike D

I am going to crawl under my garage desk


i was listening to this episode on a gloomy saturday morning with headphones, and the thunder crack at around 1hr31min just had me fucked up. rude


Very interesting series. An episode on the RFK assassination would be equally welcome.

Salt M. Bank

Loved this series. 2 questions: in the CTH poppy series they seem to allege a stronger connection between HW and the cover-up, then this series did; what’s up with that? Second; Liz Brace, Aaron and Ben all praised stones JFK repeatedly. I watched it and really enjoyed, but was curious about what would be considered off or less accurate in that picture.

Liam Farley

I know in the 9-11 / Bush Dynasty episodes Brace and Liz mentioned HW and JFK a few times I also was surprised it didn't come up here.


Exactly. Garrison was a notoriously corrupt proto-‘Law And Order’ conservative who targeted ‘Vice’ in the French Quarter. He was also a complete degenerate in the abuse of the power of his office, preying on women, homosexuals, anyone who was vulnerable. Him being white washed as some misguided crusader is some LOL shit.


In a recent Peter Dale Scott interview he said it was basically a Dallas based conspiracy and was too “cowardly” to admit it in previous publications, worried he’d be sued or worse. I don’t know if that implicates HW more. He also said he hated Stone’s JFK because it gives a misleading picture of the deep state. However I didn’t think much of Kill the Messenger which apparently Dale Scott did work on.


Can’t say i’m surprised the DA in new orleans wasn’t exactly like kevin costner in the jfk movie.


I had thought the JFK film was supposed to be a Schodinger's Cat type film presenting some of the many many inconsistencies probabilities & impossibilities potentially involved, with the bottom line being that the official truths re: JFK's assassination were bullshit cemented in place by various cover-ups

Camille Shultz

Dude, first: AWESOME series and as a Gen Xer I really appreciate you visiting this subject and sharing it with younger audiences who may have not grown up surrounded by so much JFK lore. Also- fuckin’ cool as hell that Cohen and Scott were friends!


Just catching up with your podcasts. You forgot to mention the Secret Service Agent behind in the motorcade that fell backwards and accidentally discharged a .223 round into Jacks head which made his head explode and go backwards.