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We welcome back Ben and Aaron Good for the penultimate episode in our JFK series, talkin Jack Ruby, LBJ, the lyin fake news Warren Commission and more

preorder Aaron’s Book here: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510769137/american-exception/




penultimate? no, never stop


I've been pinned to the couch all day by Moderna part deux and all I've been waiting for is this




Liz is the magisterial voice of calm reason


Where is the link, tiny Dracula?


If it’s the penultimate episode wouldn’t it be 5 of 6?

Justin Hastings

Aaron good dissertation link? Also Wikipedia banned me from editing bc my username is Lil Gay Pussay Eatah

Jessica S

I’ve been looking forward to this all week. I’m not sure what that says about my life, but I’m happy so IDGAF.


Brace what you think about a copyright friendly Terminator film with a certain woody Allen lookalike traveling back to scope out the book depository…


We need a follow on series on RFK assassination


Looking forward to hearing about Dorothy Kilgallen (I hope)


I added it too, but some dam rotter dutchman deleted it


I’ve got a double nut theory right here for ya


I don’t understand how a fan of this show could also trust a single word the pharmaceutical industry says. Puzzling.




more like Jack-off-to-Booby am i right guys

Degrassi Osborne

You gotta be a real chump to think Oswald acted alone

Mark Owen

Wait, is Cokie Roberts related to Wade Boggs?


Hale bopp was the heavens gate comet lol


Brace, the hobbit is the shortest book of the series, and not that long in general. I'm not even a dork ass nerd and I know that.


Pretty funny that Ruby's defense echoes Raymond Chandler's explanation of the killings done by Carmen Sternwood in The Big Sleep.


The importance of Acheson and Kennan cannot be overstated in this - the outmost and probably most powerful outer circle is on record for assassinations and against democracy

john n lomax

I've written a few articles about stuff in the Houston area on the fringes of the assassination. With permission, I will post them here; if that seems tacky, pls send an email addy for me to dump then in. Stories touch on David Ferrie, Jack McKeown (American gun-runner/Castro pal / man who claimed to have met both Ruby and Oswald under very strange circumstances), and a sinister murderer some believe to have been one of the Three Tramps.

Jessica Rios

What was the song at the beginning right after they said “let’s start the show?”


Is it an urban myth that Woody Harrelsons hitman father was one of the tramps?

john n lomax

I haven't looked into that story as much as I have my Montrose homeboy Charles Rogers. We all grew up steeped in the lore of the Icebox murders as kids, and as adults, we learned the second, third, fourth and fifth layers of his story: https://www.houstonpress.com/news/houston-101-a-notorious-montrose-murders-alleged-connection-to-the-deaths-of-jfk-and-mlk-6739507

Tommy York

@yung Chomsky was this music all done on the digitone?


Never had a Digitone -- I used to use a Digitakt for sequencing but recently swapped it for an MPC Live II.

Tommy York

I was wondering if the detuned moog-ish sounds were on the digitone, makes sense that they weren’t!

Brendan Garcia

It’s funny because I feel like the future of boxing IS celebrity death match. You start with Logan Paul and Frank Gore, next thing you know it’s Kanye vs Pete Davidson.

Michael S. Judge

I think it's important to note that John McCloy was also on the Warren Commission, and McCloy was the son of a bitch who came up with the Japanese internment camps, dissuaded the White House from bombing either Auschwitz or its industrial supply lines, ensured the Allies didn't hit German targets that American capitalists would like to take over postwar, directly started the CIA with Bill Donovan, was US High Commissioner for West Germany where he paroled as many rich Nazi war criminals as possible and essentially put the stake in the heart of "de-Nazification," and, as President of the World Bank, pioneered the debt-for-development strategy that still enslaves much of the global south. Real USDA Grade A+ asshole.

Michael S. Judge

Oh yeah, he was also the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations for 16 goddamn years.

Michael S. Judge

I think there's basically no chance Charles Harrelson was one of the Tramps (which doesn't mean he wasn't there doing something else). Charles F. Rogers and Chauncey Holt are the best candidates I've found, though I've never been able to discover a picture of Rogers as an adult to compare to the Tramps photo. And the big guy could plausibly be Sturgis, but I'm not convinced. (And the guy in the hat is *definitely* not E. Howard Hunt, not least because Hunt was far too vain a little prick ever to look like that in a photo.)