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We get Blowback’s Noah Kulwin on the line to talk about the past and present of the Cuban exile lobby.

Blowback Season 2 

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nick froehlich

i’m havana good time listening to this!

kris knudson

Between you guys and Blowback I've been living in the 60s mentally and it's been damaging to my willpower. Great work!

Part Time Stoic

🇵🇸🇵🇸Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Check out Felix’s insta story for ways to donate. 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Carly Wack

Finally us patreon subs get a treat


Very cool very cool. Hey please get some more shirts in and message me directly when you do before telling anyone else 😜🐱

Michael S. Judge

the Meat of the Hour, they call me

Michael S. Judge

"the meat of the hour has an air of great power" – Curtis Mayfield

Kate Baldwin

Brilliant slowburn burn


My half Palestinian ass is so grateful for your solidarity. It really means a lot ❤


I think the reason this hit the zeitgeist is due to a conscious response to an accidentally symbolically resonant image of the settler, with conscious creations of symbolically resonant distillations of their naked power and plan. I’m not sure why this sounded so confused about why this one “hit”. The actions taken, recorded, and disseminated are explicitly genocidal. This confusion is like bumbling while listening to talk of “cockroaches” on Rwandan radio.

Everett Woolsey

Yalmulke like a fucking frisbee. Lmao

Frederick Von Drasek

...as with almost every American intervention ever, no matter the loss of life (sometimes no matter the loss of American life, at least in the short term), practical goals are secondary at best: it's a show for the home crowd hogs. It's just that a lot of OUR shows are held 10,000 miles a way...


I knew brace was gay

Jimothy Realname

well my names jimothy realname and im here to sayy israel can suck my fuckin dick all day

Jess 🐞

As Patreon subscribers do we get that Pornhub link?

Lionel Boyd Johnson

Great show, it was like two for the price of one, thanks!


CIA cultivated left and right wing Cubans in cuba in the 40s. They also funded our public school system in the 60s to ensure success for Cuban exiles as a propaganda effort. Cuban exile community sucks (speaking as a member). Jorge Mas Canosa has a school named after him in Kendall and the CANF ironically enough welcomed Obama to their conference when he was a candidate in ‘08. Also, the fact that the government protects the anti Castro groups like Alpha 66 and Omega 7: https://www.salon.com/2008/01/14/cuba_2/


good episode, but noah could’ve used a few more introductions. i mean show some respect

Jonathan lees

Good thinking good thinking excercise good thinkg





a clash of purple

Well, I read your article, but one of the guests on Radio War Nerd recommended getting the vaccine. If the choice of who to trust is either whoever you are or Annibale, I'm going with Annibale.


Mr. Purple, I can’t seem to comment on my original post. I think you should definitely get it. The world needs fewer people who are unmoved by reason.

Andrew P.

Is season2 of blowback available in its entirety on stitcher premium?


they're releasing one episode a week. there's 5 up right now, should be a 6th by the end of today. season 2 is incredible so far, for what it's worth.

Jack kessler

I read this comment and thought I wrote it and for 20 minutes tried to figure out where the profile pic was from. I’m wilin.

Andrew P.

You okay, dude? 😂😂😂