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Brace and Liz give a run down of Where Are They Now: Epstein Extended Universe Edition



Leo Gershik

1 year from now: Supreme Court Justice Alan Dershowitz

Victoria Annesley

Needed something to make me laugh. Maybe I should comment after.


'on ghizzy lane there is a pervert takin' photographs / And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen'

Jon Morgan

Meandering riffs are fine, structured content is fine. Do what makes sense, it'll be appreciated regardless

A Sentient Katamari of Bad Life Decisions

Wait... a special digital camera? Could he mean an infra-red camera? You know, the ones that see right through clothing? Blurry and monochrome, but I could see her getting off on that.


if you’d like to hear from me, your listener, I can offer a special discount rate. promo code available via QR scan at your request.

Dylan Bartholomew

Y'all discovering Idiocracy's Dax Shepard in real time is a treat. Great episode.

Erinrose Sullivan

The art thing is called deaccessioning of collections. In fact because of this people won't give to american museums. This can't happen in Europe.


Cooper Union isn’t free anymore. Mark’s bullshit worked. Students get a “half tuition scholarship”, which is their way of charging students $25,000 a year for something that used to be free. They did this because they built a big, fucking stupid new academic building for the engineering school that was contracted and built by companies connected to the board, very Above Board. I was in the first tuition-paying class, graduated from the art school in 2018


Dax Shepherd in Parenthood is approved by me. It's like This is Us but actually good.

Bess Connelly

lmao my dad does actually does have an estranged brother named mark

Mike Malloy

I like it when you guys ramble and was bummed when the intros were all like 90 seconds long for a while.

Colin Helpio

That theme song for the Dersh podcast is about as predictable and uninspired as it gets


Can't decide what's more unlikely, a "post-covid" summer, or that it would result in anything but a modest bump in sexual activity/fertility. They could cure infectious disease entirely, but everyone would still be broke/working all day.


I read that they weren’t really “waking up” ghilaine every 15 mins so much as shining a flashlight in her cell to make sure she’s still breathing and this is kind of standard practice in jails- esp under the circumstances. Seems like she expects special treatment I wonder why lol


have you guys ever considered doing an episode on chernobyl?


i personally like hearing the podcast go long


funniest episode in a while


Y'all are hilarious and I could hear you ramble for a long time


this was great, seems like u both have much more fun talking about the epstein case & everyone around it

Joe Howden

Trustee patreon tier when?


Fire episode

Lara Sea

“• pathetic” as a note really stuck with me 😆 Both of you are the best, keep it up.


Leon Black from Curb?


Chomsky speaks? I'm new here, but swear I've never heard him talk before.


Did you know Hillary has her own podcast now??? It’s called You and Me Both🤢


Liz and Brace are excellence in podcasting!


That gratuitous tear down of the algorithm-created "Dax Shepard" was hilarious


Powerful Canterbury Tales energy in this one


Love you guys and the last 40mins of the episode


I just finished reading "The Fish That Ate the Whale" today!! It's about United Fruit. Would highly recommend it.

Kai Chalmers

Brace bagging on krautrock?? Unsubscribed.


U guys are pretty cool

Joel D. Padilla

Guys, a producer from the DerShow asked me to dm you his number so he could set up a segment with you... if you’re interested I have the number saved. If you’re not interested, please don’t dunk on me for asking


"he looks like Covid ate his face" - bhahaha


The crown actually makes Margaret thatcher look like a horrible freak and incompetent leader. It’s great!


Will you guys please let brace say retard


Speaking of the crown how about a lord Mountbatten episode?


ménage à trustee

Katherine Moss

Man. I love Brace doing Australian.