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We dive back into Davos to sew this moldy wound up. My mouth is filled with bitcoins; my arms are filled with microchips. Klaus Schwab stands above me—tumescent, throbbing, grinning, wet. I close my eyes and think of fiat currency.



Justin Hubbard

Nationalize amazon, seize the Jeffs of production


storm davos, they can't stop all of us

Justin Hubbard

I’m imagining Davos Man as Duff Man but covered in the neolib globe emoji


Does anyone remember the ep where Nick did the parody to the Sunday football theme song. I will venmo 10 dollars to whoever gets it for me

Sam F

The beyond burger stock went back up when mc donalds said that the mc plant was created in association with beyond. Im not saying inside trading went on with the original announcement....


When they said it wasn’t going to be a depressing episode

Will Watson

electric counterpoint was a great choice mr. chomsky 🤝


Perk up on Percosets

features creatures

Everyone needs to watch that Hulu YPG show. The character is a horrible Hollywood caricature of brace and it’s hilarious. He shows up half way through the second episode. I’m dying.


This episode was the same as internal management training but you guys are saying it’s bad


Would it be fair to classify OWS/Bernie as postmodern/poststructural occurrences? Also the point Liz brought up has got me thinking that the Davos CEOs arent making concessions or being pressured, if anything their "social responsibility/wokeness/whatever" is just going to be a bludgeon in the future ideological wars against nation states.

features creatures

So, episode 3. The “brace” character reveals his nickname that the Kurds gave him is “woody Allen”. Because he “wears glasses”...k


OWS and Bernie are pretty significantly different political phenomena, as evidenced by the struggles between the Vermont left/90s post-left and the Bernie entryist project (e.g. any of the famous Bookchin vs Bernie disputes) and it's not really useful to lump them together

will h

My arms are sweaty, knees weak and heavy, mom spaghetti

Michael S. Judge

Everybody in the industry is going crazy over this Dark Brace thing

Martin Kasey

Chomsky with the corporate pads!


this was fucking depressing tho


The basic fakeness of money and finance is a foundational taboo 😗

Benjamin Coke

Brace, please wear the racial Jake cowboy outfit when you go to deliver your "notes" on the Hulu series.

Sam Sprout

Fa fa fooey


I don’t pay enough for this podcast


I fucking hate corn.


big fan of real brace

Mrs. Cool Guy

not that crazy about corn...


nothing abt being turned into compost :(

Tom Moll

dark brace ending too scary for TV

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Yung Chomsky is now four weeks into his baroque period

Daniel Baylor

Racial Jake either dies a hero or lives long enough to become Dark Brace


Something something, people in hell comforted by their own helplessness. I don't mind the unrelentingly dark episodes, I find them sobering and liberating. The Grover clip probably was a bit much though.


i just wanna highlight a question liz asked that's been on my mind for the last day or so: if there's no organized labor movement forcing capitalists to adopt this new footing, what's pushing them? i think the answer to that question has substantial ramifications for the future also, i was one of the ppl who said the last episode was depressing; i mean, it was, but i don't think it's your guys's fault lol that's just the nature of the great reset i guess. this was less depressing, but only cuz it was a bit more abstract. do you have any reading recommendations discussing this corporate social responsibility/global governance stuff?


More like Pedopie amirite 👁


"Electric Counterpoint" by Steve Reich was a really nice touch, @yungchomsky.

Lee Korotash-Gullett

So this years Davos meeting is being held online in a couple of days, and the theme is “A crucial year to rebuild trust”.