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We head to Davos for the World Economic Forum—and are smiling, our mouths filled with bugs, our eyes blank and our noses flared, sniffing the winds of change—we are ready to Build Back Better

btw my audio is messed up. Don’t get mad at me. cmon. -Brace 



jack dulworth

What is the song during the 2030 prediction. So groovy!


Large, protracted Oof.


I am a big fart fcuker

zack wait

Feel free to reuse those bits, not like we're paying customers!!!!


A Lorax-esque children's book with little woodland creatures coming up to Liz one by one and asking if they'll be cataloged and her saying "yes, little lizard. you, too" and ending with "even me and you".

Jimothy Realname

I wish I was in Davos, Hurrah! Hurrah! I wish I was in Davos land with a rifle and a red armband (parody)


very very good episode. i was familiar w/the great reset, but as always...I greatly appreciate the human side of these topics. very much where my mind goes to. I've not gotten over the last 10 years of media-integration and computer-nonsense that everyone in my life is just driffffting on along with at every step.


I taught myself programming 10 years ago. I made my own video games, I've got all kinds of random shit i can do at a whim....and I would actually sacrifice myself for the folks here in this community if I had the chance to suicide-bomb some sort of server-skyscraper that could get rid of this putrid technonsense.


the 'all conspiracy theories' thing is definitely DEFINITELY modelled on a DDoS attack

Jonney Weab

Got excited because I thought this was about Devos/Amway for a moment. Please make a Devos family episode!

Zach Halle

I'm losing my mind listening to "Grover" explain how much children are loving video school to The Great Reset's pedo audience

Bong Bong

Good show. Real downer, though.

Kate M Shapiro

anyone have a link to that video?

Salt M. Bank

tl;dr: Bug-based food isn't bad in itself. To elaborate: Really good episode, really terrifying, lost my mind a little when Grover chimed in, One area I disagree with is seeing the idea of replacing meat with bugs as something gross, which was referenced a couple times. I mean, yes, bug based meals will likely be pushed by evil conglomerates for their own selfish reasons. However, that decision doesn't negate the superiority of bug-based protein over animal meat in terms of nutrition and environmental impact.

Lucas Costello

The Great Reset sounds like MLM for millionaires that billionaires control

Izak Kennedy

Fuck me thats genuinely terrifying

Erinrose Sullivan

Fun fact: there are no succession plan and WEF despite the fact that Scwab is in his 80s. There not even allowed to talk about it. He already drinking the transhumanist elixir?

some guy

automation can be pretty cool but not under capitalism

Lewis MacKenzie

I suppose "fourth industrial revolution" sounds better than "final act of enclosure".


Haters will call it communism and the superstructure will enable this as to prevent global proletarian uprising


God this shit is fucking bleak


i definitely think q is a psyop to muddy the waters of truth-seeking


Good ep and I agree that it's a bad trajectory we're on but I don't take the silicon valley people at their word that all the automation stuff is within reach. A fair amount of AI researchers are actually talking about another AI winter incoming because there haven't been any innovations beyond just working on the margins of neural nets.

Ryder Desenberg

Check out the Corbett Report for a more in depth look at the great reset, specifically his 3 part series in Bill Gates.

Colin Helpio

I need my second epi nowwwwww

Kevin Tabor

Damn, a short one.


not gonna lie, this was rly fucking depressing


but i have to ask; what the fuck can be done? from what it sounds like, we don't even know how this is possible so what the fuck?


people said the same thing abt computers in your pocket; you forget how flexible capital is and how rapidly technology develops under it. they will find a way. pray that we find a way to kill it before it's born.


liberal petty bourgs already call themselves communists while pushing this entire agenda without even realizing it, haters don't have to call it communism cuz "communists" are already doing it

natalie foster

well.........i'm depressed


If you haven't read Neferti Tadiar, I would recommend her prob over Wendy Brown. "City Everywhere," "Lifetimes of Disposability in Global Neoliberalism," Lifetimes in Fate-playing." She does not talk about the reset or datafication of life necessarily, but her analysis of global neoliberal capitalism demonstrates its underlying logic, e.g., the idea of the conversion of human life-times into financial instruments, the implication of this being the creation of two categories of human lives: lives "worth living" and lives "worth expending"--lives w the capacity to accrue economic value as living labor, vs. lives w depreciating economic value, and whose ultimate fate is to be made to generate economic value as disposable existence, i.e., as living "waste" that is to be managed by the appropriate governmental ministry/department, industry or market sector (consider ICE/CBP, the concentration camps, their connections to corporate power) This is an accessible intro to some of her concerns: http://livingcommons.org/neferti-tadiar-political-economy


That is a masterpiece. James is a treasure.


What kind of human would obey Gavin Newsom?


(((( Grover ))))


Along with James Corbett, Jay Dyer is an invaluable resource. His globalist book series is incredibly valuable and important.

Mrs. Cool Guy

humdog called all this when forums were monetized in '94: http://alphavilleherald.com/2004/05/introducing_hum.html

Justin Hubbard

I work in a paint warehouse. It makes my back hurt. I’m always seeing things that could be done so simply with a robot arm or with conveyors or with whatever other kinds of automation you like. When I think of progress, I want to reduce the amount of human toil required for our society to operate. But I also obviously see a situation where one guy owns a thousand self-operating paint factories while people like me have no stake whatsoever, and I get sad about it.


The way that computer programming/engineering is sold around the world at an education level the last 20 years actually makes a lot of sense in a strategic way for this kind of stuff. Also not to sound like too much of a crank but like even the idea of using a pandemic in a shock therapy-type of way to introduce these new policies and ideas also makes a lot of sense strategically. Fuck me we’re screwed?

James Fair

I have swallowed the Belden program black pill, and i need some narcan, cause baby I've OD'd on em!

Rene Saller

I love Yung Chomsky's interstitial music so so much.

James Barron

Way to bum me out guys :( u guys still rock though!

Jack Nancy

second this. many of my comrades in mexico refer to chapulines as the 'food of the future.' and if a person knows what they are doing, they are delicious!


The music between segments is way too loud. Please stop making me turn my radio volume down while traveling down the road


Serious question, aren’t you guys commies and into the abolition of private property? Educate an ignorant right winger.


Chillingly professional outro, maybe do more drugs before next ep


Isn’t everything described here just laying bare the current mechanisms of so-called platform capitalism? That is to say, the establishment of a rentier economy whose exchanges are supplemented by the extraction of data at every turn? In which the falling rate of profit is combated by the transformation of goods into subscriptions? The only difference I see is that this is now being spun as something good for humanity, rather than being blackboxed. This resets nothing, it just brands what’s already going on as radical.


Organizing and building labor power is probably the #1 thing, there is a reason that every evil force in this country conspired to crush the union mvmt. And honestly just being aware of things changing. Seeing it in yourself and others & trying to have conversations about it. Don't let it become a frog in boiling water kinda thing... Idk though. It does feel really insurmountable. I take hope in the fact that they have not figured out how to implement this stuff yet at least.

James Keegan

Gunholder Belden, babyyyyy


I dunno about anyone else here but I'm a commie and all about abolishing private property (or at least some forms of private property). By which I mean that property would become public, and therefore democratically controlled in some sense. What they're talking about here is more like turning everything into private property which can be owned and capitalized on by unaccountable corporations and rich people.

Faye (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:43:33 It's just IRL animal crossing. Gamification of natural resources & labor.
2020-11-20 22:00:23 It's just IRL animal crossing. Gamification of natural resources & labor.

It's just IRL animal crossing. Gamification of natural resources & labor.

Frederick Von Drasek

...there are adults who actually BELIEVE this shit? We are so fucked...

David Demmel

To add on this, on of the problems that Karl Marx diagnoses in Capitalism is precisely that because people do not own their means of living or have access to them they are forced to engage in wage labour where they have to work more than they produce - basically, if you had easy access to food, housing and basic necessities you'd refuse to work 40 hours a week at low wages. The solution for Marx is to restructure society in a way that eliminates possible ways of forcing people into that situation - the "abolition of private property" is much more concerned with the means of living, production and reproduction (so housing, factories, transportation, big agriculture, hospitals) than with the relatively few things working people or small businessowners own.

Eric Brower

I liked the opening bit

Ben Esplin

Thank you! FINALLY

Katrina Greschner

I feel like this episode will be infuriating


thank you for that, that's somewhat encouraging


i don't want to be rude but your comment rings almost completely hollow to me, not because i don't believe that to be true, but because people have been telling that my entire life and it's gotten us nowhere so far. the kind of "organizing" the left does is tech-funded garbage, and the kind of organizing that needs to be done in the kinds of industries that actually need to be organized isn't being done. that demands a reformulation of our labor relations and our strategies, and i don't see that happening from anyone that just says "organize" in the abstract. "organize" is not a strategy, "organize" is a church command from the cult of the left. i didn't ask for a vague call to action, i'm gonna be a high school teacher for christ's sake, i can't do anything about this. i wasn't expecting a real answer either, i don't think anyone has one at the ready, so i can't get mad at you for answering and trying to soothe my despair (and thank you for trying), but this is most definitely not that. i don't think there is a deep enough understanding about what's happened to our economy and to the labor landscape to adequately answer the question of "what can be done," and i think that's why "organize" feels like such an inadequate answer.

Daniel Epstein

There’s no way for a frog to lower the temp of the water. He’s gotta jump out of the pot, hopefully with every other frog alongside him

Chloe Caroline

anyone listen to this podcas smoke weed

Kennedy Connor

took almost the whole program till liz went after liz warren. she must be one of those butt hurt young socialists who backed the SENIOR SENATOR FROM 1974.


i’m so depressed

Scott Lenz

YC rockin the Lawrence Welk. #calcutta #bravo


I feel like people are nonplussed about the implications because they don't think this will happen to them. Motherfucker, YOU are the one who will be tagged and tracked. YOU are the one who will have their labor "optimized" and resources rationed to. This system isn't for your benefit at all. The purpose of this process is to turn you into a commodity and/or a resource. And you know what? If the brothers and sisters you think are your "enemies" (because they root for the White Sox, and your a Cubs fan, because that's what this fucking culture war bullshit really is) if they think this is bad, you WILL be welcoming this fucking great reset with open arms because that's the fucking piece of shit little piggie you are


I don't know how you thought you would come across by saying this, but you just sound like a stupid, petty, dumb cunt, and there's no way to ever undo that

Sunny Francis

So i used to work in this factory, well they were always like we're not a factory we're a workshop, but there was a production line and i would call it a small factory. Anyway they got a six axis cnc during the time I worked there, the thing was kind of crappy to begin with it would cut things in half at the end of the cycle and ruin everything somehow but during the four years of my apprenticeship I saw it get really good. That is besides the point, what I wanted to say was that I watched my colleagues (and these were people who had been working in that same workshop for 30 years) and every break time they would go and chain smoke cigarettes and watch the robot Slowly steal their jobs, which I always thought was kinda funny