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SPECIAL SEMI-BONUS EPISODE! Brace interviews anthropologist Alpa Shah about her book “Nightmarch: Among India’s Revolutionary Guerillas”, detailing her time around the Maoist fighters, their relationship with the Adivasi, and the Indian state.

Buy Nightmarch here





Classic Lumpia Logic moment


Great interview. She states that "the arms are a big problem" but I fear what would happen if these groups disarm. Considering the current government of India, disarmament would mean that they completely lose their leverage and likely lose their land. As a political force, they are still too small while the government, and the mining and forestry companies are all armed.

mckinley faas

Oh sweet Jesus yes Sunday night drop


thanks for the info chief


i really enjoyed this. the beginning could have been a little bit more explainatory, but after catching up it was notacible that brace is a competent interviewer and can be more serious if he can't let loose with knowing that liz is in control of guiding the interviews :)


So stoked to see you addressing this topic. Thank yoouuu!!!!!


FYI all rev left radio has an awesome interview with some Filipino CPP guerillas if you want to hear more. My favorite part was the idea of “sparrow units”


can y’all not link to amazon? would be cool to get publisher direct links instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Great interview! Would also like to join others in saying please don't link to amazon


yeah they've also got a great episode about the Naxalites themselves. love RevLeft.


We need an episode on the SLA

Peter Miller

CPI Marxist is better


Ohh boy this is a treat

Lumpia Logic

Maoists (CPP-NPA) in the Philippines are now on Radio Free Asia & coordinating targets with US gov. Not all Maoists are to be trusted.

Lumpia Logic

A member of Communist Party of India (M) was abducted by Maoists from his house in Lalgarh, taken to the forest & murdered brutally. The dead body of martyred Adivasi Comrade was kept in the open and nobody was allowed to come near it. Again, can’t trust all Maoists.

Tammy G

excellent and very interesting


She was my professor and MA course convenor at Goldmisths. She is great!

Maura Willey

do more eps like this pls