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We’re joined by Recluse (Steven Snider) from VISUP to shine the spotlight on the post-war Nazi Diaspora, blood crimes of the Hitlerian kingpins and their evolution into the military contractors that now span the globe 

Buy Recluse’s new book: https://thefarmpodcast.store/

Listen to his podcast: http://www.thefarmpodcast.com

And check out the fantastic VISUP blog: http://visupview.blogspot.com/?m=1




Russian Ogilarchs


R.I.P. Pep Boys

Mike Bilbe-Taylor

Please, please mention the Apollo program.


This one was about South America/that aspect of things, we’ll do a Paperclip one eventually

Otto Laakso

Argentina has one of the biggest Jewish populations, it's where they went after the U.S. shut the gates in '24


what have you

Rusty Shackleford

Lol Brace sitting down, cranking out ammo with a Lee Loader, that would be a pretty good Twitch channel.

Seamus McPhaggons

I love all the Mulder/Scully XFiles vibes I get from Liz and Brace...great podcast chemistry...And Yung Chomsky just ties it all up in a beautiful musical bow.


unholy blog-pod union

Erin Kristina

I just listened to 2 1\2 hours of Recluse night before last on Conspirinormal podcast, but this will be easier to follow, I'm sure.


You guys talk about how pedophilia is a ritualistic demonic cult, slavoj zizek say something similar about rape in general. How these acts are ritualistic. Maybe yall could have a psychoanalysis of pedophiles from epstien to colonia dignidad. Yall talk about the material events that they did and he breaks them down in a marxist psychoanalytic way.

N Bey

“Saracen” & “Saladin” commonly used in IRA/ProvIRA songs in reference to these British Army tanks, also used for crowd control in SA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvis_Saracen

Kit Lamb

hell yeah, love VISUP!

Kit Lamb

Swastika pool in Brazil https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/brazil/11277071/Giant-swastika-found-in-Brazil-swimming-pool.html

Bong Bong

Awesome guest! This is like a Flintstones meet the Jetsons episode of internet conspiracy theory!

Torgeir Tannenwald

The most accursed man I ever met was Klaus Barbies grandson. He was also ex-military, ex-mercenary. weird how that fits together. He had a knife with a handle made of a French partisan's femur.

Kennedy Connor

great show; always amazed at how smart and well informed liz and do do are!!!!


Great episode, record amount of “And what have you”s though


why do the episodes have to be only an hour if you can just keep going


Y’all do not miss when it comes to guests! Great one.


Oh nice. The Farm is good if ppl haven't checked it out

Tanner Notch

the amount of information and knowledge in this mother fuckers brain


hamilton morris did a really great episode of his vice show relating to project coast in south africa - the leader of the project wouter basson filled the poor black areas of the country with quaaludes as a form of crowd control during the apartheid era and the trade still exists today. i think it was the first episode, really interesting stuff.


And so forth!


Please do Le Cercle 🙏🏼


Oh no, Mr. Chomsky, please tell brace not to try to run an AR with black powder, it probably won’t cycle right but either way it’ll gum up the action and the gas tube and everything and be a pain in the dick to clean. Will make it very difficult to maintain tactical kinetic action readiness.

Gee Mama

This mfer said ogle-arch


yeah this guy has worse pronunciation instincts than felix on chapo. ...and so forth. at this time...


Pretty sure this guy was on street fight this week


Does anyone know how to find Steven Snyder’s credentials? I’ve searched and I’m skeptical.


It’s hard to take Snider’s book seriously when he habitually uses the term “gaslighting” to refer not to the very creepy thing that happens in relationships with abusive narcissists, but rather to any and every disagreement. Under his definition, if anyone disagrees with what I’m saying here, that disagreement should be construed as gaslighting.


brace. PLS get recluse back on to talk about the kentucky anomaly

Christopher Taylor

We need the recluse back to chat about “the pond”

James Dylan

Did this guy say he's never been to the places he's selling a book about??

Carver Eller

A lot of the pinochet regime violence regarding the captives tortured and held in the football stadium is captured really well in Cost-Gavras' film "Missing", killer flic