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As some of you have surely already noticed, we've set up an official Discord server. The server has one general channel that's open to the public, and a bunch of subject-specific channels which are subscriber-only. If you subscribe at any level you'll get a Discord role which grants you access to the subscriber-only channels. If you've already connected your Discord account to your Patreon account, you should've been added automatically.

If you're a subscriber and haven't received your Discord role, check out the instructions here.

Right now we have two moderators, @osaku and @jawlecks. If you have server admin requests, you can direct them to me (@yungchomsky) and I'll try to get to them. Here's the link to join. Be cool, and have fun.


Aaron Pozos

That's a big ask homie

Seamus McPhaggons

What is this? I just wanted a new episode...


Is it possible to demolish the nonce's house with the nonce's tools

Jeff Semmerling's Art Side Out Studio & MASK SHOP

I don't understand any of this? I'm an old man who will never figure out what a discord server is I'm too busy trying to keep my little neighborhood art studio and art business from imploding and taking me with it. Can you make this easier for me please?

DJ Berj!

Discord is basically a chat room. If you wanted to participate you would need to download the app and sign up for account. If you're too busy you don't need to join!