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TrueAnon has information that will lead to the arrest of Elizabeth Warren




Much appreciated in these days of rage, you guys. 🙏❤️

Brendan Garcia

Never been more in love with Liz (Franczak).

Jason Milczewsky

Hey, this is pretty much exactly what the voices in my head have been screaming for the past two days

David Powers

I would trust Liz Franczak to run the country way more then E Warren.

Chachi uday

Once a republican always a shit bag.


Extree extree, Furious Franczak Flings Fire at Wretched Warren's Wormlike Wankers, Lyin Liz Lachrymose as Bernie Bros Batter Bollocks

Doug S

Liz is on fire! 👼🏻🔥

Matthew Wood

Oh fuck, this is great - ‘there is no path, no path!’

Ivan Berko

Saturday can’t come soon enough




Needed this! Mfin Lyin LIZ W!!

John Kunz


Sam GL .


Benjamin Cheney

Love this righteous rage and purity of hate (RIP Alexander Cockburn). Can’t wait for the extended version but that might be bad for my cortisol levels and risking spontaneous combustion. Also, I’ve always found McElwee to be an opportunistic self-promoter and a 🐍. I bet he has some real dark secrets. Keep up the good fight you three, a Holy Trinity for our times.


I was feeling down about this topic last night, and hit play on this episode when my morning alarm went off. What a delightful way to start the day lmao

Jeffrey Wilson

This was so cathartic to listen to

200 OK

Yeah, this was a great way to wake up. TY. Probably should stop obsessing about it because no one really cares... but yeah thanks.

Lucas Sharp

Maybe enough Dems are disillusioned after the mass red-pilling of 2016 that the Dem establishment and CNN (2 of the shittiest brands in America) nailing Bernie to the proverbial cross on live television will make even more people sympathetic to our cause. I'd like to think so. Idpol is so easily weaponized by lib elite :(

Torgeir Tannenwald

They're trying to do scorched earth it seems. But I think they'll discover not a lot of their potential voters are as dedicated as they are hoping.


Michael moores podcast about this was really good




I think I’m in love with Liz, or maybe I want her to be my mom. Probably both.

48 Minutes of Dogs Barking

Liz Franczak / Matt Christman 2020 : YELLING IS HOW WE SHOW WE CARE DAMNIT

