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Liz and Brace take a look at the explosive new medical examiner photos, talk Mr. Tortellini and continue the hunt for Ghislaine



GoldenBoy Oe

I note that the note wasnt a suicide note but a note repurposed as a suicide ... Letter


Please do an episode on paedophiles in the British Establishment : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_paedophile_dossier

Corn Souls

Love you guys, but I wish Brace was a little more sensitive when discussing the "Italian curve", aka Peyronie's disease, which affects 1 in 10 Italian males. Check out: https://newsbeezer.com/italyeng/sex-10-of-italian-men-have-a-curved-penis-often-a-traumatic-trauma/

Judy Greene

When are you coming to New York City with a live show?

Kevin Reid

So, I've thought all along that they likely killed Maxwell and brunel before ever arresting Epstein. Alternatively they're all alive, explaining the narrow focus on epsteins death in that absurdity of a jail cell. Of course maybe his proclivities forced them to get rid of him. Parents of fucked kids can clearly be troubling and he fucked so many. It just seems that the most likely explanation is that trump's people took the action to obtain the power that comes with epsteins info. They are in charge of the ability to raid his place and allow him to die in jail. I am fairly certain that he was arrested, starting all this. They should all be eaten, to be safe.

David Powers

Remember how Nicole Kidman fantasizes about a Naval officer in Eyes Wide Shut... just saying... ;-)


where can we see these pics

Eric Anderson

Great episode. I live in the midwest and am keeping my eyes peeled for Ghislane.

Hans Schwitzerworst

+1 for playing that Air song at the beginning of the ep. Nostalgia!