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In the first of a two-part series, we take a look at recent developments surrounding the Epstein Nexus and begin our investigation into the life and times of Ghislaine Maxwell



Tre Kendrick


Violet Lucca

I edited a story about the (South African) town where a lot of the mercenaries involved in the attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea live. The story is especially notable because many of the Battalion 32 soldiers were black Angolans…https://harpers.org/blog/2019/05/the-wrong-side-of-history-pomfret-south-africa/

GoldenBoy Oe

Soooo, BoJo Pigman is going to win ?! Fuck the future.


The opening banter is getting a bit annoying, to be completely frank. Over 10 minutes of it in this one... I really like this podcast, but cut the banter a bit and get into the details, or please but the banter in with the details.


Anytime there's reverb I laugh so freakin hard. WELCOME TO TRUE ANONNONON


dont listen to mr Neilson pls


Any chance you would consider adding chapters with related images? Some podcast players allow this type of thing - and it could be really helpful for when you are discussing specific images (like you did in this episode). There's a cool free tool to help add chapters+images on Mac (https://overcast.fm/forecast).


(Sorry - continuing from previous post - hitting enter finishes the post - I didn't know that) I realize extra work is extra work. Even if you don't add chapters+images to the podcast, I really enjoy the show and support what you do. Hope you are all doing well. Cheers!


Yall should do a 9/11 episode or like a live watching of zeitgeist lmao or both


They should've activated some of them bone genes for their boys hyoid.

Matthew Gilboy

❤ love that song on there at 21:45 ❤

Tim McGovern

Finally a fellow Lysenkoist! I knew I loved this podcast for a reason.

Kit Lamb

I have yet to check it out but reminded me of this woman's book "Eyes Wide Open" https://www.google.com/amp/s/pedophilesdownunder.com/2019/10/07/revised-edition-of-eyes-wide-open-by-fiona-barnett/amp/

Kit Lamb

You seen Back to the Future predicts 9/11? Hilariously good shit. There's also a good 9/11 precog compilation on bitchute but I can't find it.

Matthew Paul Soucie

if anyone knows the tune at 38:40 lemme know eh. TXS


So I’ve now read Chaos, Poisoner in Chief and The Franklin Scandal all in a row and let me tell ya, my mind is fucking racing. Love the show and thank you Liz for introducing me to Naked Capitalism. I’ve been reading finance blogs for many years now and Yves takes are really some of the best I have read. Again thanks and much love. Hunt them fucking Pedo’s!


Ghislaine Mask-well in that navy uniform pic

bela shayevich

Big question: where do all the incriminating photos of girls w ep etc come from? How come the girls were allowed to keep them /have them at all if they are the owners?

Adam G

I've not seen "The Count" mentioned much elsewhere. For anyone who struggles with spelling, here is his name: Gianfranco Cicogna-Mozzoni. His grandfather was Giuseppe Volpi.

Andrew Kowalski

Do you mean Age of Consent by New Order? My heart absolutely melted when I heard just one second of it completely unexpected.