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A bifurcated episode... Brace talks to Alex Norton about the perverts in politics in the UK, then Liz joins in for a doink chat




the drought is over 🙏

Anastasia Cimino

thank christ, i was getting so depressed without new content from you guys

Anastasia Cimino

if you could do maybe 1 episode a day for the next month, i think it could cure my depression. just a thought.

Ivan Berko

had the same thought


Liz's take on the UK election and polls is a little wide of the mark on this episode.

Adam Walters

Corbyn hasn't actually said he'll resign if he loses. McDonnell said he would a while back but Corbyn didn't answer last time he was asked


Geoffrey de Turville – He was described as a man who was "in high favour with the English Crown".

Jimothy Realname

sick of all these bloody nonces, bruv. its mental


Oh, and I watched an interview with Nick Bryant in which explicitly said William Barr was responsible for covering up Franklin (makes sense, historically speaking), added to which there are some Iran-Contra links to the credit union he may know about, so you should definitely talk to that guy about some stuff if you haven't already.


One more: and if you search his name without "pizza" in that same book in google books, it pulls up the pizza quote AND a separate article about his arrest for sex trafficking. So...yeah...I guess a lot can happen in a year.



We got a new one coming late tonight, our producer Young Chomsky was out of town!


I know this is a stretch, but there was a family of Turville-Petres at Oxford in the early to mid 20th c who specialized in Icelandic/Norse history, language, runes, sacrificial and fertility practices, and ancient sex/death cults. They used to kick it with Tolkien, and the husband was actually a student/protégé of his. Not saying they bought any of this shit, but they did both spend their academic careers on the subject and wrote a bunch of books/articles on the subject. The wife translated ancient manuscripts, and their son (his name is THORLAC, haha) is presently also an historian, but of middle ages poetry. I dunno, that's all I've got for ya: an academic dynasty of people who studied pagan shit.


"Isherwood's stay with Turville-Petre on Agios Nikolaos [St Nicolas, Turville-Petre's private island] has been described as 'farcical but grim', and in 1959 Isherwood wrote a lightly fictionalised version of Fronny in Down There on a Visit, where he is portrayed as Ambrose, the mad king of a small Greek island."


Description of an Auden/Isherwood loosely based on Turville-Petre: "The play describes the quest by the hero Alan Norman to find Sir Francis Crewe, the missing heir of Honeypot Hall in Crewe. The quest takes him on a satiric journey through Europe and England, accompanied by a large dog, who proves to be Sir Francis in disguise. Auden and Isherwood wrote two versions of the end of the play. In Isherwood's version, which appears in the printed text, Sir Francis denounces the villagers and leaves to join a vaguely defined revolutionary movement. In Auden's revised version, which was performed on stage, Sir Francis denounces the villagers and is killed." Ok, I'm done. Sorry, I like puzzles.