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The team answers all your burning questions and addresses some of your galaxy-brain Epstein theories




‘Canceling will be a badge of honor’ made me chuckle


finally a relief for my constant epstein brain

Patrick Burgess

What's the NYC Epstein meetup they mentioned at the end?

Nick Simmons

Do a live show in Portland!

Brendan K

I feel like you all should quit your day jobs as soon as possible and be Epstein brained full time for the sake of us all. Once you save enough, quit and use that sweet Patreon $$ to solve the case and make the ultimate Epstein book, documentary, and/or Biopic.

Daniel Epstein

All the stuff about being a good communist was great, thank you, no relation

Gabo Goff

Poor guy.

Gabo Goff

Can you guys now quit your jobs and do a Lenin reading group?

Peter T.

your guys' just the shootin the shit would suffice for me


Where the merch at


First thing I hear Young Chomsky ever say on mic is "play Deus Ex" and now he's my favorite on the pod


Ron Perlman as Epstein

Anup Raniga

This show alleviates symptoms of my stage 4 Epstein brain. Or makes them worse. I dunno. Either way just hook it to my veins

Collin Brown

Would love more reading recs

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Yung Chomsky does sound a lot like young old Chomsky.

Brad Snow

Game of Nations - Amorality of Power Politics written by proud, unapologetic CIA sociopath Miles Copeland, who was part of the agency from the beginning. Its out of print, has been since the 80's I think (once you read its easy to see why, it makes the CIA look like the monsters they are, from their own point of view)


At 41:25 there is some discussion of unions which endorsed Clinton in '16 such as the SEIU. Any resources on unions in the U.S. and why most of them are neutered/corrupted while some are good? Brace mentions a Jane McAlevy book which covers some other shitty things about the SEIU; is that No Shortcuts?

David Steiner

Yes, No Shortcuts is a good profile of why the "New Labor" that emerged from the so-called progressive resurgence in American labor is shite

Jaron Lenz

Um, hello? Ted Danson as Epstein. Dead ringer (pun intended).

Mike Penix

Rush hour 3 on DVD catch me ghostbusting...