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Patreons from 03 Feb 2021 included

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mZal_b6_USYNZc3zR1PpTg9aAC2IScVd?usp=sharing

Source Files: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47197384

PlanetMinecraft Page: planetminecraft.com/project/genboan/

Genboan is a realistic Minecraft island. It's 4 km by 4 km made by McMeddon. It's a rugged Nordic Island with multiple huge snow-covered mountain ranges, taiga/spruce; oak; (new) birch; and (new) jungle forests, huge cliffs, huge plains, dry coast and custom arctic region in the north. A dedicated river system that flows from the mountains all the way to the sea, which crosses through the huge lands of this island. A brand-new biome deployment system that grades custom biomes from cold(north) to hot (south). Take a boat and cross the ocean with a near-seamless transition to the default Minecraft(java).

(Gaea) McWorldEngine Version: v2.7.0 - (WorldPainter) McWorlCanvas Version: v2.1.0 - (Map) Map Version: v1.0.0

🌍 Discord: discord.stedit.com
► Patreon: www.patreon.com/mcmeddon
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug2WOSvplSCzXCOGJXJbEA/
► PMC: www.planetminecraft.com/member/mcmeddon/
► Instagram: www.instagram.com/mcmeddon/
► Twitch: www.twitch.tv/mcmeddon

Minecraft Maps Java Installation Guide

  1. Download map by clicking the yellow button at the top right of the description.
  2. On Windows, use keys Windows+R and then typing “%appdata%/.minecraft/saves/” into the command line. (On a Mac, your save files are in: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/). This will open the saves folder
  3. Drag your downloader map (after unzip or unrar) in the zip/rar folderMap into saves folder.
  4. Close windows and reopen Minecraft
  5. .Select your map and play.

For more insights how to install it check out PMC´s Tutorial: www.planetminecraft.com/blog/how-to-download-and-install-minecraft-maps/

What's new? What's Changed?

(Gaea) McWorldEngine Version: v2.7.0

(WorldPainter) McWorlCanvas Version: v2.1.0

(Map) Map Version: v1.0.0

Like Games, my maps have some kind of foundation that gets regularly updated, McWorldEngine refers here to my latest node build in Gaea. And McWorlCanvas refers to latest base foundation in Worldpainter. With each new map i try to develop, evolve or refine a technique. See all my maps as rapid prototype maps.

(Gaea) McWorldEngine Version: v2.7.0

  • 📀 Nodes: new Biome node distribution system
  • 📀 Nodes: Redone the way mountains would form on a more erosion and apex based technique
  • 📀 Nodes: new forest generation node system coupled to biomes
  • 📀 Nodes: + new onion forest system (outer layer: smaller trees, core forest: Megatrees)
  • 📀 Nodes: River system redone - less noise blocks, more dedicated rivers, less error’d areas

(WorldPainter) McWorlCanvas Version: v2.1.0

  • 📀 Worldpainter: Added dozens of new biomes to shift away from the megabiomes
  • 📀 Assets: Build over 300 new assets and a good new part is included in this map as a test: Birch tree´s - Dead trees - new rocks

Possible questions:

🞂 Which Programs did you use?


🞂 How long did it take to make it?
initial session of about 36 hours, but has been build on node structure that took around 20h of development + 5h of rendering

🞂Did you make those assets?
  Yes, they are enhanced default tree’s and assets I made.

🞂 What are your plans with these maps?
  These are adventure maps, survival maps, creative maps for you to build, play and explore. For my part, i gain new techniques and experience with every new map, building on that for the next and making map by map better maps.

🞂 Timelapse? Showcase? Breakdown?
  Uploaded, coming soon (follow the yt channel)

🞂 Do you do commissions?
  Yup hit me up on PlanetMinecraft Messages (not discord)

🞂 PMC Member: "[...] Out of curiosity, if someone else uses your world to build things in and wanted to share, do you just request a credit?"

  • Yes always - please credit the origins of work / the creator. (people want to know where to find the stuff)
    Redistributing or selling my Intellectual Property without consent is not allowed.
    Showcase Submissions are allowed

    (Backside info: I've spent hundreds of hours to achieve the knowledge to create those maps. And can spend days on creating each Map. For the casual people: I encourage you to play..test and build on these maps. I actually like to see what you can do on/with them. I see my maps as canvases for people to explore and enjoy... what i don't like is when people just plainly say: I made that canvas , that's mine. [
    analogy end] It's IP theft, disrespectful, and ungodly frustrating to deal with. And there are either Kids who just entered the internet and dont know better and there are 3rd Parties that do that intentionally)



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