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Hello everybody, 

i have so many ideas how to enhance the Maps even more. And with every new Map, i add and develop more into those. So lets see whats your biggest wish for February!

What would you like to see in the upcoming maps?

Upgrade Default Buildings and Structures to be nicer looking (Village, Temple, Dungeon)?

My main goal ofc is to have a Minecraft Map that feels like a Minecraft Map, but is also.. in many ways prettier. What I don't wish to achieve is an "art piece". Because... when I look at these highly crafted worlds... I don't know what to do with them. It gives no room for improvement or opportunities in my Playstyle. And therefore ... I don't want to play on them.. And when I look at my maps.. I want so hard to play, survive, explore and build on them.
So do you think it would hinder you when adding "nicer" Structures or .. do you think... HELL YA let's make them great and worthy of exploring?

Add more Structures to the Maps (Mineshaft, Desert Temple, other)?

Currently, we only see the Patreons Village and the Dungeon on each 1.16+ Map. But there are plenty of opportunities to add new stuff now in the new biomes. Temples, Outposts, Mineshafts, you name it! There is much to prepare and to develop, but YA let's do it!

Add more Biomes (currently only Arctic, Taiga, Tempered, Warm, Jungle & Desert -ish)

Arctic, Taiga, Tempered, Warm, Jungle & Desert -ish? There are 70-ish biomes, so plenty of opportunities to develop new areas to explore and build in. My Biggest point would be the swamps that are still missing, and I'm currently reading into how they generate and develop.
Which biomes should be a must that i haven't considered yet? (Name them in the comments)


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