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Sometimes when things get real intense you kind of let your inhibitions leave and your coomer brain takes over. That's definitly the case for Mirko in this audio~~~

Art: @Dai_NSFW (soon)



Squat plug eh? Now that's a new one! I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the gym bro lines and the need for protein 😂. This took "fuck like bunnies" to a whole 'nother level. Props on another amazing audio, DTL!


super good! i especially loved her making the listener feel small (and that protein part at the end lmao), minor thing but i love when audios add a little extra to show you HOW big she is, like how much bigger her thighs are (or how big her ass is), how much taller she is etc, sells the size stuff lol


The “CUM DOWN MY THROAT” line and delivery ALONE make this audio worth listening to. Incredible performance!


she took my protein, my pb 😢... worth