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Your teacher instantly asks you to hand some papers over to your bully  who's missed a few classes. You sheepishly knock on the door but it's  clear she's delerious with illness. Her vulnerability is both unnerving  and somehow adorable... 

What a cameo from Yunya who is EVEN SHOCKED AT THIS POINT LOL 

Art: ShiFaTur17




Man I just finished my 1hr lunch:( Would've been amazing timing


Perfect upload I swear. It’s 1am in Germany right now and I’m about to go to sleep. You’re literally an angel💯🔥 as if she would know what’s about to happen



Oneiro Agori

More funni ASMR cameos plz

Penitent one

Whats sheepishly precious, whats does it mean, Gollum Gollum


Yunya jumpscare lol but amazing audio as always yo


So cute, i need a cuddle buddy expeditiously 😤


DTL winning with all these ninja collabs and cameos! I loved how wholesome this audio is in addition to the dashes of fun teasing and joking. A relaxing one to fall asleep to and thanks once more for all the effort and hard work, DTL!


Guys i did it it got a girl to cuddle😭🙏 (but still not gonna quit havin this subscription)


These sick videos are the BEST advertisements for VapoRub ever LOL


Ah yes VapoRub the Mexican Cure All.

Josh Lambert

I will never tire of DTL and Yunya's voices


Couldnt ask for a better birthday gift. Love the audio and the script


So sweet! 💙 Did you record this too while you were sick last time?


I'm glad because Yunya is probably tired of me jumping her DMs for a cameo LMAO


to be sheepish is to be shy or not want to say things directly which if you know about what they dont want to say out loud can be precious and cute uwu


Yup I ended up pushing myself to do 5 in one go and then perished after it LOL


its ridiculous how convincing your sickness sounds lol


Oh my lord. Glad you survived that! These sick audios are a treat too, talk about dedication!


I find it quite funny how I have some kind of minor flu going on right now (one of those where I'm still willing to go to work with it even though Finland is quite cold still and it might make it worse.) But here I am caring for a sick person and life's good. Great work once again DTL!


Ah schools, one of the petri dishes of society. Cute, adorable and nasally, but gad daymn Dude, you can take a break when you're sick ya know? We ain't gonna dissapear overnight, 🥺


Little correction: Gute Nacht. The n after “gute” isnt right, but you’re not bad at German tbh. I have a thing where I have to correct people, I’m sorry.


listening to this while being sick makes it even better Thanks alot dude


Gonna be sleeping tight tonight

Roger F

And this is why you’re my favorite creator on this platform! So immersive and so creative. Another great piece DTL!


@vinyleviny This patreon is for me, I'm known as Dude That's Wholesome (DTW) and Dude That's Lewd (DTL) and Yunya is Mama Yunya on Youtube, her patreon is the same if you're looking for her content!


Got to say love the dynamic of taking care of your bully and turning their idea of you upside down......... probably has to do with thats how I met my wife, she used to be a old bully of mine and when we met back after a few years we hit it off and have been married now for 7 years.