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Hello cutiepies. It's been a while since we've all been able to gather around like this. Make sure you're all cozy I've got a little bit of a read for you! As always I am very appreicative of all the support I get past, present or future. To make it simple and easy to understand I will bulletpoint for you 💙

  • There will no longer be Patreon Only Livestreams. 

This instead has been taken out to make way for a new tier reward for the $10 USD tier. If you're on that tier you can submit a wholesome suggestion and I will make a wholesome video based on one of them. At the end of this video all your names will then be read out as the video wouldn't be possible without you guys. 

  •  There will no longer be FLAC file archive of that months content. 

I understand if some people are dissapointed with this decision so I can only apologize. I don't have much of an explination that seems justified so I'll keep my reasons to myself. 

  • Two New Tiers Will Be Introduced on November 1st as well as edits to current tiers that are in effect right now. 

In general, all discord tiers will be getting a name revamp however the contents offered will be roughly the same. My Patreon page will get a face lift as I've been needing to take things a bit more serious. The names will go as follows; 

One Thigh Squish - $3 (There will no longer be Patreon Only Livestreams or PH FR offered as a reward. However everything else remains unchanged)

Cheek Kiss - $5 (Tiers Rewards Remain Unchanged)

Headpats Overload - $10 (Instead of names being said in monthly patreon only livestream, tier memebers will suggest a wholesome video plot. I will then make it a public video and say everyones names in the credit as the video wouldn't happen without them)

Licked - $20 (Tiers Rewards Remain Unchanged + Updated so you will also be thanked in the Headpats Overload Tier)

*Upskirt Shot - $100 (Limited Slot to 1 - It is esentially a custom commission slot. I will post T & C in the description - You do NOT get tier benefit of Licked) 

Accidental Facesit- $101 (Meme or simp tier, that's literally it - You do NOT get tier benefit of Licked or Upskirt Shot) 

*Re: Upskirt Shot

Before anyone fucking asks in the nicest way. No, I will not be adding more slots. No I will not kick someone off the tier because they are "hogging it". Myself and the tier holder will have to agree on a plot. It can be either wholesome or lewd it doesn't bother me. There's no garanteed length of the audio. The audio is patreon access and won't have personalization on it. I.E I won't say "Oh, [Your name] rail me sideways." I will make the T & C very clear when adding the tier. 

I've also been contemplating the idea of doing some paywalled content . I don't think I'm ready to take the leap yet but to be honest I feel like being able to directly reward you guys better is within my interests. I've been having issues with my NSFW content generating passive income for me. As it stands, you guys are the only reason right now I make money from it. Pornhub does not pay well and I am constantly finding more videos taken down for very unfair reasons. This is why I'm pondering if I make wholesome content public but then start to put NSFW behind a paywall. 

Oh but DTL you said you wouldn't do that!

I did, I've managed to have no audios behind paywalls for almost 3 years. That's an insane amount of free content.  I'm really glad I've kept up with it but if I'm honest since the Youtube channel has been taken offline almost a year ago I've been declining in support and it seems like the trend keeps happening. If that's the case then I might as well reward those who are sticking around. Sorry if I seem so harsh about it. It's just the reality.

Thank you for taking your time to read. Chances are I have spelling mistakes in here like always. Problems with reading and writing and it's my job ha, divine intervention my ASS. 


Johnny Tightlips

Always happy to support you DTL, you make that bread any way you can <3


Welp, we simps will definitely support you to keep making content you love and that we enjoy! I don't know if I only speak for myself, but there's nothing to be ashamed of when putting content behind a paywall, the world revolves around money that's just the truth of it. So I hope you get the pay you deserve, after all what you're doing is a Job, and just like people wouldn't work for free in a restaurant or any other business, it's unrealistic to hope you do. So I appreciate the free content so far, but look forward to being able to support you and see what other content can come up. DTL president 2024


As things stand, paywalled content might not be a bad idea. Do what you feel will be more beneficial to you bruh, will continue to support till the very end

Josh Lambert

You have my full support. If I need to upgrade my tier, so be it! Your content is 100% worth it.


I dont think having paywalled content is bad at all. If you think about it, you got all of us patreon supporters because we wanted to support not for exclusive content. So im sure only more people will want to support


It's clear that you put a lot of time, thought, and effort into this and all of that is very valuable. If this is something you love doing, I'm happy to see you making changes so you can keep doing it.

Scary Meunster

I’ve got mixed feelings. I’m fine with most of these things being unchanged, but having a single person always sitting as king in a hundred dollar tier with an exclusive direct line of input to the receiver doesn’t sit right with me. Some anonymous donor with a bottomless bank account is bound to take permanent root and start doing things behind the scenes, it always happens. Feels like it’s selling off a chunk of the system. Regardless, it isn’t my place to make the rules around here. Plus, it (hopefully) might not be anything other than a commission slot. Guess that’s left to be seen. I’ll gladly keep at it for now, but if we start “facing reality” too hard and this starts becoming a straight up business, I’m out. I spend a few bucks a month, I get some stuff. I’m happy with that. I’ll gladly accept that few bucks getting a small bit heavier, but I won’t be a hand in turning this into a private service. One or two extra premium bits along the way I certainly won’t love, but it’s still respectable, so live and let live. Money’s money, after all. I just won’t see to it that I’m paying a subscription just for updates on when my next full purchase is ready. I hope this gives some insight as opposed to the “yes I luv u queen I give any 4 u” outlook some folks tend to have here on Patreon. I’m not a yes man.


I'm going to support you, paywall or not. Just don't tell Padmé or the Council.


May you create an Audio library or something like that? It's is pretty hard to get to your older lewd ones with the whole YT mess and through Patreon.


Thanks for your comment. For the Commission Slot Tier it will only be one person but it's simply they pick out a plot. There's really not much more to it than that. I aim for at least 8 uploads a month although this number may increase if I find a full time editor. As it stands all 8 plots are ideas directly taken from patreons. This slot just guarantees one person gets what they want. It's really comparable to the $5 which is a chance to get it picked. I personally don't see any issues or have any concerns about it. No one will be manipulating me when it comes to this tier, they will agree to my T & C forcefully but lovingly uwu As for paywalling concerns, I understand it can seem very money grabby. I'm in the process of seeking out a full time editor, if I am successful in my quest I can comfortably say my audio outputs would be much lager per month. (The paywalling would directly go to paying the editor so I'm not at a net loss) I mean for example I did 31 audios alone last month at the sacrifice of 4 lewd. It's a balancing act to not absolutely destroy myself in the name of keeping patreons happy and content output flowing. There wouldn't be an increase in price if I started paywalling so you're getting the exact same benefits except access to exclusive audios posted no where else. Like I said though I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger. I'm going to try my best to get the numbers back to where they were organically. If not then I have to secure my future above all else.


I try my best, I'm just trying to make everyone happy while being fair to myself ah


I am glad people are still happy to support me even if they don't get exclusive rewards, however it might be time I treat you guys even better than now :)


You're an absolutely tireless recorder, you've 900% earned absolutely guilt free paywalling some audios. <3 I hope these changes make everything more fun and sustainable for you!

Taka Brute

get that fucking bread, ill get to commission eventually, hopefully soon. You are one of the best and anyone who complains about the changes is a scrotum


Whatever you want mama. Also dope fucking content I make sure I put away at least 10$ for you each month money might be tight but your audios are tighter


Do what you gotta do to make your bread Dtl, we'll be here to support your ass all the way to the down undahh!! 🤘🤘🤘


Do u what u need to do, will always support u <3x


Gonna support u regardless and send you that dosh DTL ( found you on YouTube and it sucks that they don't know what the hell they want) so I hope every dollar counts for you.


Future sounds bright and good to me thank you DTL <3


WE SUPPORT THE THIGH QUEEN we love you dtl! do what’s best for you

Scary Meunster

Thanks for the response. It means a lot to hear you give that bit of reassurance. I just worried that the $100 slot would mean getting to influence all the content beyond just the commission. Also, I’m glad to hear that there won’t be a massive influx of paywalled content. I’ve seen Patreon accounts that are basically just collections of links to content that require another payment. Just didn’t wanna see you go down the same road. I don’t want you to feel ashamed of doing what you gotta do, I just don’t want to see things get to the point of being purely about getting the most money. You’ve done a great job these last few years since I found you, and I hope to see you continue. Also, sorry this is a separate post and not a reply. I’m on mobile. rip 🤡🤡🤡


Bruh mobile is a stick up my ass whenever I try and do anything on patreon. You'd think for a multi million dollar website their shit would function 🤡 Yeah I should have made it more obvious that that tier only gets one audio as a reward and even then it's not gonna be some mega weird hardcore fetish, gotta appeal to the masses teehee. Yeah as for the paywall, I might have found a good solution where 6 wholesome, 4 lewd and then 2 exclusive lewd possibly. Still need to go back to the drawing board but first, I'll pump up my output and see if it makes a difference <3

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Fully support the changes. You put out way more content publicly than a lot of folks do behind paywalled and public content anyways. Putting stuff behind a price tag isn't a negative thing. The fact you managed to avoid doing so for so long, despite YT and PH causing issues at every turn, is insanely admirable. Paywalling NSFW content is probably the way to go, as you say, but make sure to keep it manageable for yourself, yeah? Don't threaten your work/life balance by churning out masses of content or anything to avoid further changes to things. Do what's needed for you, not whats wanted by others. Probably wasn't needed to be said, but wanted to put it out there just in case :) All the best and take care.

Chris Hilton

Well I'm fairly new to your patron DTL, however your my absolute favorite ASMRtist. Your voice is simply amazing and I full heartedly believe you should get paid for it!!!! I personally think these changes are for the better in the long run for you(and thats who's important here really) don't let the hates and malders get to you Dude your amazing at what you do and you deserve to be paid accordingly for it.


When he uses the term maulders, house husband material LMAO thank you for kind words!!


I don't mind a paywall as you, your audio and your divine body are worth every penny <3


So long as i still get my lewd content on here its cool ^~^


lol wth is t & c?


paywall is fine if that's what it takes to get paid for your work


sorry to say but ya the free lewd content these days has been ruined by buisness an pirates sadly :( however some free lewd ones on pornhub isnt bad but nothing you can do. 3 years honestly you are amazing for everything you have done