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Accent, Rambling

Thank you all for your patience. I often upload in the later half of the  month due to script writing, recording and preparing the artwork. 



I learned more in this audio than in school 🤭🤭


Dude That’s Smart, educational account coming soon


Bruh just doesn't miss. It's also nice to see my second favorite Apex girl represented.


nice audio but this is giving me flash backs to the horror that was A level physics

Lucy First

Omg is this Best girl from Apex?

HiR aLoN

I appreciate that you talk about actual real science here. You either did a good job researching, or maybe you're genuinely inerested in physics like I am? The way you talk makes me think that you really understand these things and not just read a script. Wow :) I recommend searching on Ytube for videos of the world sience festival. Very good stuff. Sometimes it gets me frustrated though, when I don't understand something or I have a different opinion, but there's nobody to discuss it with. So then I'm just boiling in my own thoughts... haha