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This is the continuation of Kinktober 2022 – 30 :3

It was an interesting flight for Dani. His revealing outfit made him the centre of attention on the short journey. The 2 stewardess seemed to have taken a liking to him. Flirting with him whenever they passed. Then giggling as the little bound and gagged femboy shied away blushing. Alex was just sat tapping away on his laptop.
Normally Dani would be in the hold in his little pet carrier. However this flight had issues with the climate control in the hold. So Dani couldn’t be stored down there, or he’d freeze :S. Now Dani being sat next to Alex usually only means one thing.. The giddy little femboy constantly bugging and distracting Alex as he tried to work. The gag and embarrassing outfit seemed to keep him very quiet this time though.

Eventually the plane landed at Berlin’s Brandenburg airport. Where Alex was to meet an agent from the German secrete service. As they departed the plane Dani blushed bright red as the two stewardesses blew him a kiss.
Once more the bound and gagged little pink haired femboy was drawing plenty of attention as he shuffled shackled behind Alex. Who was holding him by his leash. As they approached security Alex just flashed his MI6 passport, and was let straight through. Dani, still red with embarrassment at his predicament just followed him.
A member of the ZOLL, Germany’s boarderforce, stopped Alex though. He was fine, his MI6 passport allows him into pretty much any NATO country without any checks. Dani however had caught her eye, for obvious reasons..
Alex loops Dani’s leash over a barrier and stepped away with the ZOLL agent. The pair chatted for a moment, looking back at Dani occasionally. It was obvious they were talking about him, but the airport was too noisy for him to hear what they were saying. Plus he was still trying his hardest to hide away as he kept seeing people point and grinning. Some raising their phones to take pictures of the poor embarrassed femboy.
A moment later though Alex and the agent walked back over. Alex unhooked his leash and handed it to the agent as he said. “Seems you’ve been selected for a random screening Dani, I wonder why?.. I’m going to grab a coffee and wait for my contact. Don’t worry Agent Alina here will take care of you”. He then turned and left him with her. The bright red-haired Zoll agent smiled and said. “Come on pinkie, let me get you somewhere more private”.
Normally the idea of a border force agent dragging you to a back room would be terrifying. However for Dani, anything was better than standing bound and gagged in the middle of the busy airport. So he nodded and replied through his gag. “Esh pwease”

So yeah just a little build-up story to how Dani got in this situation :3
I kinda got the idea from Coitus_Ergo_Sum's comment on the Kinktober upload. About Dani drawing attention at security haha. In the process, I also kinda created a new OC. She went from random ZOLL agent.. to Alina Fuchs, a kinky farmgirl who loves topping femboys and wants to be a dominatrix XD.
Get a feeling I might draw her again at some point :P

Anywho, hope you guys are all well out there ^.^
As always, thank you for supporting me <3




I was flying today from Brandenburg airport and I can neither confirm nor deny the depicted events.