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Yeah I never finished 2022 :S. So a bit late, but here's number 30. Only 1 more to go and I can finally put it to bed.

With working for MI6 Alex often spends his time jetting off here there and everywhere. This week he had to fly to Berlin for a meeting with the German secrete service hacking team.
Dani always asks if he can go with him, the answer usually being no. However this week Milly who often babysits the 23yr old ditsy femboy (to stop him blowing himself up or burning the house down) was busy. So he had no choice but to take him.
Now in that case Alex normally books Dani into the storage hold in an animal crate. Its the best way to transport a slave after all. However being a last minute booking , the hold was full. There was a spare seat though in economy. So last minute Alex had to take Dani out of his little crate. Unfortunately for Dani though, he only had the clothes he was wearing in the crate. So he had to walk through the busy airport like that.
Dani was already red with embarrassment as they entered the lift. The giggling pilot who joined them not making him feel any better. Soon though the doors would open. And he would be lead like that to the busy check in desk. His little metal cage on full display to everyone in the room.
As the lift rumbled and descended to the main check-in floor, Dani just thought, Maybe in future I should bring some spare clothes in my crate...

I didnt know what to do for public, so I just thought of something silly. Like most of my art I suppose XD
the final 2022 prompt is "WildCard" So if you have any suggestions or ideas, drop a comment ^.^




Someone's not getting past security untouched lmao


Oh yeah he'll definitely be getting the rubber glove treatment XD