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Dani: Sooo.. the Enterprise will beam us out of this.. won't they?
Sam:  Transporters are down.. thats why we took the shuttle..
Dani: Oh.. So, whats gonna happen to us?
Sam: The Captain will probably have to negotiate with their leader to release us. Or they'll just warp off and leave us here.. We're ensign expendables afterall. Our names arent mentioned in the shows credits.
Dani: Wow, meta
Guard: Hey you two! quit breaking the 4th wall!!

Story goes, the boys go down to a planet of aliens (that conveniently look like humans with prosthetics glued to their faces). It was all going well. The main characters headed back to the Enterprise and left a pair of ensigns to finish up the mission.
However at one point ensign Dani noticed a very "phallic" like rock, sat on a shelf. Being a kinky little deviant, he was quite amused by it. So stupidily decided to steal it..
Of course when he showed Sam, he wasnt too pleased. Before he could tell Dani to put it back though, several guards dived on them.
They were dragged to what seemed to be a police station. Where they were told that they had "defiled" a sacred artefact.
They were then carried to a courtyard that looked like a medievil-style dungeon. Handing from a tall wall were small cages. just large enough for a person to fit inside standing. As they were dragged towards them Sam tried to contact the Enterprise for help. But they confiscated his communicator, along with anything they could use to potentially escape. And their boots for some reason. The boys were then shoved into the cages. Both squeaking and squirming as they were forced to stand barefoot on the rough cold metal. They cages were then locked shut and chains secured to them.
As the pair nervously looked out at the guards their leader spoke. He told them their crime was minor these days, but their law still demanded that they be punished. So they were to spend the night in the cages, then in the morning, they would be bound naked in the town square and publically spanked.
Dani and Sam just looked at eachother. Sam was nervous, but Dani being kinky little deviant, was looking forward to it...

Yeah I didnt know what to do for this one as you can probably tell. It was gonna be set in Sam's time and them in my ESA uniforms. But then I thought, I wonder how they'd look in latex Star Trek TOS uniforms XD  
I'm a nerd, I know :3
As I've said I'm slowing down a little with kinktober, but I will get them all done this year. As as supporters you will see all of them a day early and in full res ^.^



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