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Due to issue with alcohol deliveries. (They tried over charging Mr Rottweiler, so he torched their truck).. Yeah he really isnt the sort of person you try scamming.
Anyway due to this the club has had to close some days so as not to run out of beer.
While this may provide a welcome break for the Femboys, it was never going to be that easy. The boss is currently sourcing new alcohol suppliers, and thinks he has it sorted. So to inform people the club will be openning as normal again, hes had some fliers printed out.
Just a few hundred.
Issue is becasue of the nature of the club. most places won't allow them to be displayed. Sam though came up with the idea of just handing them out on the street. The club is pretty much in the RedLight district of the city. So the sort of people walking down the street are most likely looking for a good time.
But who was going to stand out there and hand them out? Sam made a hasty retreat as his shift had luckily just ended. Titch had also been missing all morning. So the boss turned to Sky smiling.
Sky just raised his hand and nervously said. "Err, my shift has also ended, Sir". Mr Rottweiler just laughed as he put his hand on Sky's shoulder then twisted him around and said. "You're funny". Then walked him to the changing room. Where he made him change into a very revealing pink latex outfit.
He then locked a heavy chain around his neck and led him by it to the front door. With his face almost bright red the boss dragged Sky outside. Like a dog on a leash reluctant to go out for a walk. He then wrapped the end of the chain around a lampost and locked it with a padlock.
Sky nervously looked around the street as the boss shoved the box of fliers on the doorstep and said. "Right only a few hundred in here. Once you've handed them all out you can come back in". Before Sky could say anything he closed door and locked it.
Tugging on the heavy metal chain Sky knew he wasn't going anywhere. So he bent over to pick up a flier. Just as a car drove past, seeing the little femboys bare butt as clear as day. His face almost burning with embarrassment as he heard a wolf whistle. Turning back to the road he tugged on his extremely short skirt. It was practically see though anyway so its not like it helped. His little pink chastity cage on full display for the world to see.
At least the street was quiet.. for now..

Just a simplish one today :3. I spent way too much time drawing the actual Femboy club itself :S. Least I now have it for future artworks I suppose haha. Anyway I wanted to do something with the boys outside for a while. Titch also gloating didnt end well, as the boss immediately made him change and lock him out front too >.<

I took a little break from Kinktober too, but I will try and get back into it tomorrow. I dont wanna burn out basicly. So pacing myself with it a little. My just doing simple arts went out the window as I expected it would haha

Any who, as always, thank you guys for supporting me ^^
Sky/RBD <3



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