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Many apologies for the extremely late post. This is my April dormitory diary entry.

The latter half of April brought with it a change of season, tanking my health in the process. I am Okumura, and I am slowly recovering. 

I’ve been trying to watch what I eat and cook at home as much as possible, but the seasons seem to have other plans for me.

I think my training is going along smoothly, but there’re a lot of concepts I’m uncertain about. One of my biggest goals is to gain a perfect grasp of these concepts eventually.

I went to a meet-up party for new animators—it was really cool to talk to people who would normally be out of my circle. I also got to drink beer that would normally be out of my price range. I even got to take the leftover beer home with me (even though I don’t really drink).

Yup. I’d say Tokyo’s been pretty good to me so far.

I’ll do my best to grow and actually deliver these updates on time in the future. 𓅹











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