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Hello, it's Watanabe.

Here's my dormitory diary entry for March.

Work has been business as usual, so I thought I’d take a second to touch on payment rates in animation. 

Recently, my studio made a policy not to accept external projects offering less than 4.50 dollars per frame. I’m curious: does that like a lot? Perhaps too little?

Typically, the rate for my type of work ranges from 1.80 to 2.70 dollars per frame, which places 4.50 dollars on the higher end. However, I’m on a fixed salary, so these increased rates won’t affect my paycheck. 

So, why the increase? Simply put, at 1.80 dollars per frame, my studio wouldn’t be turning a profit. It's commonly expected of animators to produce 300 frames a month. This means drawing 15 frames a day over 20 working days. Assuming an 8-hour workday, you'd need to produce approximately 2 frames per hour. Even at 4.50 dollars per frame, it falls short of Tokyo's minimum wage, thus operating at a loss. Looking at it this way, I believe that 4.50 dollars per frame, which is already double the average, doesn’t really cut it still...

These days, most animators are employed under some form of contract rather than being paid per frame, making the latter scenario less prevalent. Nonetheless, I argue that pricing across the industry should see improvements. While salary discussions in the anime industry tend to spotlight animators, it's crucial to also acknowledge the creators involved in cleanup, compositing, etc., and those in production supporting us behind the scenes. 

It's only fair that everyone gets compensated appropriately for their labor.

2024.3.3 Watanabe






2024.3.3 渡邊




Thank you for talking about this


It's a start! But still, under minimum wage, and it's on the higher end... Improvements are sorely needed. A fixed salary also makes more sense than being paid per-frame, as not all frames are of same complexity (plus what if you get sick and can't work), but I do hope it's livable salary at least..