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We Have a New Kickstarter Campaign Going Until April 14th!

【Our new campaign is live on Kickstarter!】 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/animatorsupporters/raising-animators-wages-a-music-video-with-aya-hirano This crowdfunding campaign is All or Nothing. If we don't reach our target amount, we don't get a cent. Our campaign is running until Sunday, April 14th at 11:59 PM EST. Your support is greatly appreciated! 【The Issue of Low Wages for Animators and Potential Solutions】 Low wages for animators are a pressing concern within Japan's anime industry. For more details on the issue of low wages for animators, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/ZUwlwQj40VI Inside the Anime Industry - Corrupt Working Conditions The fundamental cause of Japanese animators’ low wages lies in the commonly used "production committee system." Structural issues within this system keep production costs significantly low. For more on why the production committee system reduces production budgets, please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExwO1v_V-s Why Anime Is on the Rise Even Though the Industry Is so Poor Essentially, animators’ wages are so low because the production budgets given to anime studios by production committees are drastically insufficient. Decades of low wages and poor working conditions have led to fewer people aspiring to become animators. High turnover rates and inadequate training environments have also contributed to a severe shortage of animators. This extreme shortage of animators has led to a decline in the quality of artwork and frequent occurrences of missed broadcast deadlines. Continuing this trend will not only negatively impact the production of would-be great anime but could ultimately lead to a critical decline in Japan's anime industry. To improve the current situation, we need: ① Anime production that doesn't rely on the production committee system. ② Creating original anime projects that generate copyright royalties. ③ Nurturing young animators. ④ Raising awareness about these issues both within the anime industry and publicly. And more. These are the 4 ideas we’ve followed to produce our own music video. We’ve completed up to the animation so far, and with an additional $50,000 in funding, we can bring this project to full fruition. We appreciate your support and hope you join us in this vital endeavor!


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